  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationships Among Customer Relationship Management, Social Support, and Trainee Performance—Taking Navy Training Courses as an Example.

指導教授 : 蕭宏金 葉上葆


海軍技術學校及海軍陸戰隊學校進修(深造)班隊受訓人員的受訓績效往往受各種因素影響,基此,本研究主要探討受訓人員顧客關係管理、社會支持與受訓績效之現況與關係,並以該兩校進修(深造)班隊受訓人員為研究對象,經刪除未能回收12份及無效樣本2份後,有效樣本計336份,以顧客關係管理量表、社會支持量表與受訓績效量表作為研究工具,經描述性統計、信度檢定、因素分析、Pearson積差相關分析及階級迴歸等方法進行分析,研究所得結果如下:一、顧客關係管理對受訓績效呈正相關並有顯著之影響。二、社會支持對受訓績效呈正相關並有顯著之影響。三、社會支持對顧客關係管理與受訓績效間有顯著之干擾效果。 此外,本研究除了對所得結果提出解釋外,並對研究結果的應用加以討論,同時對海軍受訓管理單位建議如下:一、營造以顧客為核心的文化,致力提升顧客價值為目標。二、建立親師生良好互動關係,提升受訓人員對社會支持之認知。三、做好知官識兵因材施教,適度壓力彈性溝通有助績效提升。另外亦對未來研究提出一些建議。


The training performance of trainees in Naval Technical School (NTS) and Marine Corps School(MCS) are often affected by various kinds of factors. This study aims to explore the current status and relationships amongCustomer Relationship Management (CRM), social support, and the trainees’ performance. The study investigated trainees receiving trainings in these two schools as the object of study. Once deleted 12 missed questionnaires and 2 invalid ones, a total number of 336 questionnaireswas valid. By utilizing research toolssuch as customer relationship management scale, social support scale, trainee performance scale and analyzing statistic methods including descriptive statistics, reliability test, factor analysis, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and hierarchical regressions, the conclusions of the study were as followed: (1)CRM is positively associated with and has significant impact on trainee performance. (2) Social support is positively associated with and has significant impact on trainee performance. (3) Social support has significant interference effect on CRM and trainee performance. Moreover, the research not only provided explanations on the conclusions but also explored the applications of the research outcome. Therefore, some suggestions to those naval training facilities were made as follows: (1)Create a customer-centric culture and aim to promote customer value. (2) Establish a good interaction between instructors and students and promote the trainees’ cognition to social support. (3) Teach traineesin accordance with their aptitudesand promote trainee’s performance with the help of moderate pressure and flexible communication. In addition, a few feasible directions for follow-up researches were provided.


吳瓊治(2006)。訓練成效的評鑑,〔Evaluate the Training Effectiveness〕,品質月刊,42(10),44-48。
