  • 學位論文


The Application of TRM in the Laboratory Medicine Department-A Case Study of a Teaching Hospital in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭雅愛
共同指導教授 : 謝幸燕(Hsing-Yen Hsieh)


研究背景 台灣於2002年發生幾起醫療院所之醫療不良事件,將醫療安全的問題突顯出來。團隊資源管理 (team resource management, TRM) 即是在這樣的背景下被廣泛應用於醫療界,以病人安全為第一考量,推行醫療團隊合作概念。 研究方法 為了解醫檢師對於團隊合作之概念及對團隊滿意度,本研究之個案部門為南部某醫院醫檢部門,對個案部門員工進行問卷調查。問卷內容包含TRM認知、TRM實行(領導、溝通、守望、互助)及團隊滿意度等構面。 研究結果 調查結果共回收問卷58份,回收率為90.6%。回收後逐一檢視問卷,有效樣本為100%。本研究以SPSS進行統計分析,研究發現: 1.有無接受TRM課程訓練對TRM認知有顯著差異(p<0.05) 2.樣本部門人員之年齡、職務類型及服務年資對實行TRM有顯著差異(p<0.05) 3.樣本部門之人口學變項對團隊滿意度無顯著差異 4. TRM認知對實行TRM之溝通、守望、互助有顯著正相關(p<0.05) 5.實行TRM對團隊滿意度有顯著正相關(p<0.05),意即TRM越落實,團隊成員間和諧性越高。 結論 檢驗主管若能積極推廣TRM之概念及推動TRM落實,從溫暖人心做起,凝聚團隊向心力,促使團隊滿意度提升,以降低離職率。本研究結論,可提供醫學實驗室管理者及未來研究者作為實務管理及後續研究之參考。


Background: In Taiwan, medical safety issues have been highlighted, since several medical adverse events occurred in the hospitals in 2002. Based on the patient safety, team resource management (TRM) is widely applied in the hospital to practice the medical teamwork conception. Method: The study subjects were medical technologists who work in southern Taiwan hospital. In order to investigate the teamwork conception and team satisfaction, the questionnaire survey was used. The questionnaire content dimensions include TRM cognitive, TRM practice(leadership, communication, situation monitor, mutual support) and team satisfaction. Result: Overall response rate accounted for 90.6% of the 58 questionnaires. The effective sample was 100% after rechecking the questionnaires individually. SPSS was analyzed in the study, the result were (1) TRM cognitive has significant effect to underwent TRM training course; (2) TRM practice has significant effect to age, position and seniority; (3) team satisfaction has no significant difference to demographic; (4) TRM cognitive has positive correlation to communication, situation monitor and mutual support; (5) team satisfaction has positive correlation to TRM practice; the more TRM implement, the more harmony among the team members. Conclusion: The laboratory manager should promote TRM conception and TRM practice. For team satisfaction raised and turnover rate reduced, team member need to be comforted and cohered. The conclusions can provide the medical laboratory manager and future researchers, which is as a reference for the further practice and research.


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