  • 學位論文


The impact of tourist destination image on word-of -mouth intention: Using experience value and authenticity as mediating variables

指導教授 : 趙仁方




Tourism has become the world's largest industry, and the frequency of tourists moving is more and more higher. Japan is the best choice for Taiwanese to travel abroad. Traveling to Japan Taiwanese tourists is growing positively. Therefore, the object of this study is based on the tourists who had traveled to Japan to explore whether there would be significant differences in the destination image, authenticity, experiential value, word of mouth. The research methods of this study adopt convenience sampling, collecting the data and information by questionnaires. Total valid questionnaires back is 457pcs. All these valid questionnaires will be analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result shows that: The destination image will affect significantly toward authenticity, experiential value, word of mouth. The authenticity will affect significantly toward experiential value. Experiential value will affect significantly toward word of mouth. However, word of mouth will not be affected by the authenticity. It shows that the word of mouth will not be likely affected if the tourists have the real feelings. Yet, it is necessary to form the feelings of experiential value, thus the effect of word of mouth of the consumers might be proceeded.


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