  • 學位論文


Explore the 12-year Compulsory Education: The implementation of insurance education courses --- Taichung Municipal Sz-Yu Junior high school

指導教授 : 王安平 王言


近十餘年來,由於國民教育及經濟生活水準提高,再加上政府密切的監督與管理,保險已是人們做為家庭或企業員工理財規劃的必要工具之一,保險亦漸漸為國人所接受。有鑑於此,教育政策主管機關與財政部保險司協商推動保險教育融入未來十二年國民基本教育之中,並委託財團法人保險事業中心(2002)研擬保險教育之教材,其內容包括『強制汽車責任險』、『火災、地震保險』、『傷害保險』、『人壽保險』、『健康保險』、『學生團體保險』、『全民健康保險』及『公共意外責任險』為推廣重點,冀望藉由教育力量達到全民保險觀念的落實工作及推動的可行性。 研究者以臺中巿四育國中學生為本研究的施測對象,針對二年級學生進行研究工作,並依「試教前檢測」、「試教過程」、「試教後檢測」等三個時期來實施操作,以瞭解保險教育的實施是否能有效提升學生的保險知識與建立正確保險觀念。 本次的研究結果顯示保險教育的實施對國中階段學生的保險觀念與知識、保險教育課程的學習意願及保險教育納入課程的看法皆保持正向支持的態度。此結果可提供未來教育政策機關規劃保險教育時的參考方向,使保險教育能由下紮根,向上發展,奠定全民保險觀念的基礎。 關鍵詞:強制汽車責任保險、全民健康保險、學生團體平安保險、公共意外責任保險、半結構教學。


Over the past decade, due to the national education and economic living standards, coupled with close government supervision and management, insurance is one of the people as a home or business employees the tools necessary financial planning, insurance has gradually accepted by people. In view of this, education policy authorities in consultation with the Department of Insurance Insurance education into the next two years to promote basic education among citizens and entrusted Insurance Institute Center (2002) develop educational materials of the insurance, which include "mandatory automobile liability insurance "," fire, earthquake insurance "," insurance "," life insurance "," health insurance "," student group insurance "," national health insurance "and" public liability insurance "to promote focus, hoping implementation of the concept and feasibility of universal coverage driven by the power of education reached. Surveying object fertility researcher Taichung City junior high school students of the four studies, research work for the sophomore, and according to the "Pre-trial teaching detection", "try to teach the course," three times "after the tryout detection", etc. to implement the operation to implement the insurance education to understand whether it can effectively improve students' knowledge of insurance and insurers to establish the correct concept. The results of this study shows that the implementation of insurance education for junior high students' ideas and knowledge of insurance, insurance education courses willingness to learn and insurance education into the curriculum to support the views are to maintain a positive attitude. This result may provide future direction of education policy authority reference when planning insurance education, so that education can take root by the insurer, the development of up to lay the foundation of the concept of universal coverage. Keywords: compulsory automobile liability insurance, health insurance, student groups Ping An Insurance, public liability insurance, semi-structured teaching


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