  • 學位論文


Cross-strait trade in services agreements impact assessment of Kaohsiung hairdressing industry

指導教授 : 林瑩昭
共同指導教授 : 熊正一(Joel-Zhengyi Shon)


「兩岸兩會第九次高層會談」於(102)年6月21日在大陸上海舉行,會中簽署「海峽兩岸服務貿易協議」,為兩岸服務貿易的往來提供制度化基礎,促進兩岸服務業相互投資與貿易。但此一服務貿易協議簽定以後,卻引發國內極大的爭議。 2013年兩岸簽訂服務貿易協議,該協議將台灣的美容美髮業列為開放產業,引起極大的憂慮,並引發了後續社會的動盪與不安。另外陸資是否來台投資美容美髮業仍屬未知數,但如來台設點應多為中、大型連鎖經營,也有可能削價競爭,在台灣美容美髮業者多為個人工作室之情況下,是否能面對陸資的競爭力?目前高雄市的美容、美髮業者仍以小型工作室居多,陸資來台設置中、大型連鎖經營模式是否對業者或技術者就業造成衝擊是本研究主要目的。 美容、美髮業者大多數個人工作室或小型工作室,故服務貿易通過後不會前往大陸投資,而較多數業者也不會進陸資公司就業,陸資來台大多以連鎖經營體系,固台灣業者再此也較趨於劣勢,以致在面對陸資的競爭上較希望政府能適時給予援助。在經營方面也建議業者加強服務品質與技術、以及與顧客之關係以抗衡陸資來台低價的競爭。


「The "9th Round of Cross-Strait High-level Talks" was held on June 21, 2013 in Shanghai, China, during the talks the "Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement" (CSSTA) was signed, to provide the foundation for cross-strait service trade institutionalization, promote cross-strait mutual services investments and trade. However, after this service trade agreement was signed, it led to great controversy in Taiwan. In 2013 the two sides signed the Service Trade Agreement, the agreement listed Taiwan's beauty and hair industry as open industry, causing great anxiety and sparking the subsequent social unrest and nervousness. Also, whether capital investments from Mainland China will invest in Taiwan's beauty and hair industry is still unknown, but if mostly medium and large chain stores come to set up shops in Taiwan, this may start a price war, and since Taiwan beauty and hair industry are mostly one-person studios, will they be able to face competition from investments from China? Currently Kaohsiung City’s beauty and hair professionals are still mostly small studios, and the main purpose of this study is to assess whether the business model of Chinese firms coming to Taiwan to set up medium to large chain stores will impact professionals or technicians. Beauty and hair industry professional are mostly one-person or small studios, therefore after the CCSTA has passed they will not go to invest in Mainland China, and most professionals will not work in Chinese owned companies, capital investments from Mainland China coming to Taiwan belong mostly to chain store business systems, so Taiwan professional tend to be disadvantaged, therefore hoping that the Government can give them timely assistance when facing competition from Chinese investments. Regarding business operations, it is also suggested that professional enhance their service quality and technology, as well as strengthen customer relationships to counter low-cost competition from Chinese investments.


CCSTA beauty and hair studios chain business


