  • 學位論文


The Influence of R&D on the Regional Economic Development in China - An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 楊永列


本文利用資料包絡分析法(DEA),以國內生產總值為產出變數,以就業 人數、資本形成總額及研究開發支出為投入變數,衡量1997 年至2007 年中國區域經濟的生產效率及生產力變動指標值。實證結果主要有二: 生產效率方面,中國1997 年至2007 年區域平均生產效率值為0.8337,未 達到1,表示中國區域總體經濟效率尚有16.63%的改善空間。其中,全期間 平均變動規模報酬效率值為0.8903,反映政府內部管理尚有10.97%的提升空 間;而全期間平均規模效率值為0.9385,反映投入產出距離最適規模尚有6.15%之改善餘地。相對而言,管理技術是造成整體區域生產無效率的主因。 生產力變動指標方面,Malmquist 生產力指數(OM)自1997 年以後,總 體呈上升之趨勢,表明生產效率、生產技術有所提高,生產力得到改善。且總 要素生產力變動主要源自於效率變動影響。另外,三大區域在生產力變動指數 上存在東部優於中部,中部優於西部的現象,這也與三區域研究開發投入力度 相符,但三種指數OM,dTE 以及dT 在三大區域的變動趨勢一致。


The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was introduced to measure the managerial performance of Chinese regional economy. Labor force, capital and R&D are put in to measure their influences to the production efficiency and the change of productivity for chinese regional economy. The result shows that, the average score of production efficiency is 0.8337 during 1997 to 2007, which means there remains 16.63% of economical efficiency can be improved. The east is better than the central and western regions. Of the production inefficiency, 10.97% inefficiency is from internal management of the government, 6.15% of inefficiency is from lack of scale. The Chinese production efficiency kept increasing but with the middle and western regions slower than eastern areas.


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