  • 學位論文


The Investigation of Safety of Park Facilities and The Assessment of Visitors’ Satisfactions-Twenty Parks at Taichung, Taiwan as Examples

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


在公園內不論從事何種活動,皆需要考慮設施的安全與民眾對該公園的滿意程度,而本研究將以研究者直接觀察台中市二十個公園內設施的安全性、及以問卷與訪談方式探討使用者對設施之滿意度。本研究所使用的問卷內容包含:公園遊樂設施滿意度、公園運動設施滿意度、公園廁所滿意度、照明設備與動線規劃滿意度,共五個構面。問卷發放時間與觀察時間為西元2005年9月20日至2006年4月30日,以便利抽樣方式對1,111位在公園內活動的民眾進行問卷調查與進行部份的訪談,回收991份,回收率89.2%,扣除填寫不完整問卷後,將以980份問卷進行資料分析,分析後結果如下: 1. 根據研究者直接觀察與使用者意見綜合分析後,得知二十個公園在「遊樂設施」、「運動設施」、「公廁情況」、「公園照明」與「公園路線動線規劃」等五個構面有顯著差異。 2. 有些公園「遊樂設施」與「運動設施」之「設施原始設計」、與「設施維護情形」不佳,可能會導致公園安全問題及降低使用者滿意度。 3. 有些公園公廁之「環境清潔」、與「設施維護情形」與「設施維護情形」不佳,可能會導致公園安全問題及降低使用者滿意度。 4. 有些公園「公園照明設備」之「擺設位置」、「維護情形」與「光線亮度」不佳,可能會導致公園安全問題及降低使用者滿意度。 由以上結果,建議台中市政府公園管理單位加強平常各種設施之維護、與新設施之規劃與選購工作。


No matter what kinds of activities were provided at parks, the safety of facilities and the users’ satisfactions of parks were more emphasized. The purpose of this study was to assess the safety of park facilities by the researcher’s direct investigation and the visitors’ satisfactions of parks. Visitors’ satisfactions of recreational facilities, sport facilities, toilets, lighting conditions, and direction planning of leisure facilities of twenty parks at Taichung, Taiwan were investigated. Nine hundred and ninety-one questionnaires were collected from one thousand one hundred and eleven original surveyed participators during the period of September 20 2005 to April 30 2006; the response rate of those questionnaires was 89.2 %. Nine hundred and eighty valid samples were selected to analyze the data. The results were the followings: 1. There were significant difference of users’ satisfactions of recreational facilities, sport facilities, toilets, lighting conditions, and direction planning of leisure facilities between twenty parks by both the researcher’s direct investigation and the visitors’ satisfactions of parks. 2. The designs and the maintenances of recreational and sport facilities were not sufficient, they may be the reasons to cause the safety problems of some parks and to decrease the visitors’ satisfactions. 3. The sanitations and the maintenances of toilets were not well; they may be the reasons to cause the safety problems of some parks and to reduce the visitors’ satisfactions. 4. The locations, the maintenances and the illuminations of lighting conditions were not good for visitors, they may be the reasons to cause the safety problems of some parks and to decrease the visitors’ satisfactions. We would like to suggest the Taichung Government to put more efforts to maintain park facilities and direction planning of leisure facilities.


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