  • 學位論文


The Priority of Public Affairs Emplemented by Taichung Country

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


本研究主要分析台中縣政執行優先順序,首先經由文獻探討,建構初步的研究架構以及分析指標,之後進行各級主管意見的溝通,對指標進行增刪的動作,修正成為較符合台中縣政執行項目的研究架構。其次,運用層級分析法設計專家問卷調查,並選定熟悉縣政各項事務的相關人員為對象,採問卷方式,以探求該等管理指標在管理者心目中的優先排序,嘗試分析緣由並提出建議,以提供政府施政之參考。總計發放272份,回收問卷247份,無效問卷67份,研究之結果發現: 1.台中縣政執行優先順序,第一層評估指標,其重要性順序為:「社會安全」、「醫療保健」、「社會福利」、「教育文化」、「環境保護」及「政府行政」。相對於目的層之準則層,在社會安全方面,分析結果認為最重要性順序為:「治安」、「災害防救」、「道路維護」、「交通建設」及「勞工安全衛生」。 2.醫療保健方面,分析結果呈現重要性順序為:「食品衛生」、「疾病管理」、「全民健保」、「醫療品質管理」及「保健宣導」。 3.社會福利方面,分析結果呈現重要性順序為:「社會救助」、「婦幼安全福利」、「老人福利」、「勞工福利」及「身心障礙福利」。 4.教育文化方面,分析結果呈現重要性順序為:「國民教育」、「特殊教育」、「社會教育」、「文化資產保存維護」及「藝文推廣」。 5.環境保護方面,分析結果呈現重要性順序為:「空氣噪音品質」、「廢棄物管理」、「自然保育水及水土保持」、「公園管理」及「休閒觀光」。 6.政府行政方面,分析結果呈現重要性順序為:「城鄉計畫」、「產業發展」、「縣財務管理」及「資訊服務」。 關鍵詞:台中縣、縣政、優先順序、層級分析法


This paper mainly discusses the priority of public affairs in Taichung county. The literature review was used to establish the hierarchy of county public affairs. The questionnaire was designed according to analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The leading members and councilors in different level of governments were chosen to realize the weight of six major hierarchies including society security, health care, social welfare, education/culture, environmental protection and government administration. The findings are shown as follows. 1. The six major hierarchies in Taichung county were in the order: society security, health care, social welfare, education/culture, environmental protection and government administration. 2.In the major hierarchy of social security, the priorities were in the order: security, evacuation, road maintenance, traffic establishment and labor’s safety and health. 3.In the major hierarchy of health care, the priorities were in the order: food sanitation, disease control, national health insurance, medical quality management and health propaganda. 4.In the major hierarchy of social welfare, the priorities were in the order: social assistance, woman and children’s welfare, aging people’s welfare, labor’s welfare and welfare for mentally and physical disabled people. 5.In the major hierarchy of education and culture, the priorities were in the order: primary education, special education, social education, heritage conservation and maintenance and art promotion. 6.In the major hierarchy of environmental protection, the priorities were in the order: air and noise quality, solid waste management, nature and soil conservation, park management and recreation and tour. 7.In the major hierarchy of government executive, the priorities were in the order: urban and rural plants, industrial development, county finance management and information services. Keywords:Taichung county; County public affairs; Priority; Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)


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