  • 學位論文


The Analyses of Consumer Behavior For Recruitment on the Freshmen of the Reserved Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)

指導教授 : 蔡憲六


本論文研製之旨在瞭解全國院校大一學生,對國防部仿效美國在大學中所推行的大學儲備軍官團制度(ROTC)之報考現況、影響報考因素與背景關係。本研究係以2003年全國大一院校男生為母群體,分北中南東四區,採分層隨機抽樣方式,抽取27所公、私立大學校院,共4718位大一男生為研究對象,獲取有效樣本4151份。蒐集之資料以描述統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、在報考儲訓團之現況中,結果顯示較多大一生傾向不贊成報考儲訓團。二、影響報考儲訓團之因素: (一)多數較認為加入儲訓團視為多一項職業選擇機會與可減輕家庭負擔,但也認為加入儲訓團是一項危險的行業。 (二)多數人認為儲訓團招生資訊是由網路得知。 (三)多數人認為對國家政治與兩岸關係較不關心;較不認為國軍具有反擊中共的能力;對國家推行全民國防政策較不關心。 三、基於分析結果建議如下:(一)將國軍招募資訊融入大一軍訓教材。(二)妥善控管與運用媒體。(三)主動出擊,父母親列為行銷對象。(四)強化國家憂患意識。(五)善用「活招牌」代言。(六)國防通識教育再往下紮根。(七)強化軍訓教學。(八)高質高價。(九)再與媒體營造良好互動。(十)強化部隊人文教育,落實部隊管理。


A procedure is to deplore the relations of the college freshmen admission rate,factors,and background to enroll the ROTC,imitated from the US ROTC by the ROC’s National Defense Department.The study is based on the college freshmen in Taiwan proper during the school year of 2003.The ampling ,divided into four districts-northern,central,southern,eastern Taiwan,analyzed 4718 freshmen of 27 public and private colleges and universities.The total of the effective sampling is 4151.The data is separately analyzed by descriptive model statistics. A. The result of the study is that most freshmen tend to not take the entrance examination of ROTC. B. In terms of the freshmen willingness, the factors of freshmen entering the ROTC program are as follows: (A). a good choice of profession, lessening the burden of the families,risks on the military career. (B). most freshmen got the recruiting information from the internet. (C). the factors of freshmen entering the ROTC are as follows: a . most freshmen are indifferent to the politics between the Taiwan Straits, b. ROC’s Armed Forces is not capable of defending the invasion from the People’s Republic of China, c . not supporting or caring the national civil defense. C. Based on this study, there are the following suggestions: (A) the military recruitment system should be incorporated into the teaching materials of the college freshmen,(B) wisely employing the public media,(C) advertising to the freshmen’s parents,(D) strengthening the patriotisms of the freshmen,(E) using the successful example person to the recruiting,(F)the education of national defense need to be taught down to the bottom,(G)strengthen the military science teaching in the college,(H)high pay for the reserved officers,(I)reforce good relations with the media,(J) strengthen the training of human arts in the troops and upgrade the interior management within the unit.


ROTC Consumer Behaviors Recruitment


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