  • 學位論文


Car Location Tracking for Parking System Using Wi-Fi Technology

指導教授 : 王居尉


隨著經濟繁榮與科技的發展,生活中汽車已是基本的代步工具,停車場也如雨後春筍般的出現。基於停車場管理自動化及安全上的考量,車用定位系統也被廣泛應用在公共場所的停車場,諸如校園、都會環境等。在停車場內安裝定位系統,對車主而言可方便快速查尋愛車位置,而對管理者而言,並可更容易地控管停車場,降低停車場的經營成本、提高停車場車位使用率。 各種定位技術因解析度、準確率、擴充性、佈建成本等特性差異,在不同的應用領域各有其特長之處。以目前應用較為普及的定位技術,如GPS、GSM/CDMA、Cell-ID 等,其定位精確度不佳,且使用者必須向所屬公司註冊並支付月費,將會增加使用成本。因此,發展一套更精確、更實用的定位系統卻有其必要。 本論文研究在Wi-Fi 無線區域網路環境下,藉由行動端測量到各APs(Access Points)的訊號強度值 (Receiver Signal Strength Indicator,RSSI),提出以使用者端為基礎之定位機制實現停車場定位系統的應用服務。實驗結果顯示,本論文提出之定位系統其距離誤差四公尺內可達95%以上。




As a consequence of development in economics and technologies,cars have became one of our basic transport tools. Therefore, more and more parking lots have been built. For the sake of automation and safety,the car location tracking system is extensively applied to the parking lots.The tracking system can help the drivers find their cars quickly and the administrators manage the parking lots efficiently. Each kind of tracking technology has its own advantages anddisadvantages. The commonly used tracking technologies are GPS,GSM/CDMA, and Cell-ID. However, these systems require the users subscribe to the operating company and pay the charge monthly. This may increase the operation cost. Moreover, the GSM/CDMA system cannot track the car position accurately. In this thesis, we propose to use wireless LAN for position tracking systems. The essence of the proposal is to use the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) collected at the access points (APs) to calculate the positions of the tags equipped at cars. Experimental results showed that the proposed system can track the cars within an error of no more than 4m in 95 percent of tests.


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