  • 期刊


A Discussion on the Origin and the Nature of Mountain Tourism


近年來,山岳旅遊(Mountain tourism)已成為全球最蓬勃發展的戶外休閒遊憩活動,例如2002年是聯合國的『國際生態旅遊年』,也更是『國際山岳年』。然而山岳旅遊起源與內涵,少有文獻上的探討,可能的原因是發展時間很短,至今不到十年。不過若由中華文化的發展來看,從魏晉時代到現代,有著大量抒發心懷或記載遊山玩水遊憩活動的山水文學。這些騷人墨客到了遊憩目的地,看到什麼?或是什麼因素吸引著他們?這些都可以透過歷史典籍或山水詩詞,找到蛛絲馬跡。山岳旅遊一詞的概念,源於西方於1786年攀登阿爾卑斯山最高峰之後的登山運動,再進展到以山岳休閒為主的旅遊活動。當時的登山活動與中華文化山水文學,都是在壯麗自然地景的吸引下,發生遊憩活動的產物。所以本研究透過中華文化歷史典籍的記載,嘗試找尋出山岳旅遊的起源;再透過中華文化山水文學的發展,以及西方山岳旅遊發展的歷程,建構出山岳旅遊的基本內涵。研究結果顯示,中華文化山岳旅遊的起源,可追溯至4600多年前的黃帝;然而依信度較高的典籍記載,則源於3000多年前的殷商時代。山岳旅遊基本內涵上,則有自然與文化兩大二元特性,資源面上則有稀少性、多樣性、脆弱性、不可移置性、不可更新性等多種特性,以及地景資源、登山運動與山岳生態旅遊三大內容。


Mountain tourism is t he most rapidly growing outdoor recreation industry. For pushing and promote mountain tourism, The World Tourism Organization (WTO) and UNEP co-named the year 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism (IYE) and 2002 was also declared the Inter national Year of Mountains by the United Nations. However, very little literature has discussed the origins and the essence of mountain tourism. This may be the result of less than ten years of development. In the view of the development of Chinese culture from the Wei-Jin Age to the present, there is a lot of landscape poetry and literature. What did the famous poets see, and by what factors were they attracted? The answers can be discovered in historical literature and landscape poetry. In western culture, the concept of 'mountain tourism' originated in Alpine mountaineering after the highest peak was conquered in 1786. Mountain activity was regarded as a sport or activity. Both Chinese and Western writers are fascinated by famous mountains after visiting them. This study attempts to discover the origin and essence of mountain tourism from ancient Chinese historical records and the development of Chinese landscape literature, and through the historical evolution of European mountaineering during the 19th century. The results reveal that the first mountain tour ism activity in Chinese history could be ascribed to the Yellow Emperor (Huang Ti) in 2600 B.C. However, most scholars believe that the first event of mountain tourism could be adduced to the records of the Shang Dynasty since 1000 B.C. Based on the essence of mountain tourism, its intention comprises the duality of nature and culture. In its resource aspects, there are five characteristics: rareness, diversity, fragility, immovability, and non-renewability. Finally, mountain tourism is composed of three parts: landscape resource, mountaineering, and ecotourism.
