  • 期刊


Developments in the Law in 2012: Constitutional Law




This Article looks into the constitutional development of 2012 in three aspects including constitutional interpretations, important legislation, and key events of political and social mobilization. This Article finds that because the incumbent political party won both presidential and legislative election in the beginning of 2012 and continued its political dominance, not any significant policy change was made, leading to a stable, even somewhat stagnant, constitutional development. Similar stability is also observable in the all twelve constitutional interpretations rendered by the Constitutional Court, which like previous years are mostly concerned with the protection of fundamental rights in the impugned regulations of taxation without much further articulation in fundamental rights or constitutional principles. Noticeably however, the rulings that declared unconstitutionality of challenged laws or regulations seem to be on a steady rise: eight out of twelve declaring in whole or in part unconstitutionality this year. Compared to rather stagnant constitutional politics, civic actions challenging human rights infringement occupied most attention of 2012 as exemplified in constitutional controversies of urban renewal and media monopolies.


見Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, Judges as Discursive Agent: The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Constitutional Court of Taiwan, in THE USE OF FOREIGN PRECEDENTS BY CONSTITUTIONAL JUDGES 373, 373-92 (Tania Groppi & Marie-Claire Ponthoreau eds., 2013)。
蔡宗珍(2012),〈2011年憲法發展回顧〉,《臺大法學論叢》, 41卷特刊,頁1399-1401。
2002年立法委員選舉結果及第7屆立法院各政黨所占席次統計,參見中央選舉委員 會網站, http://db.cec.gov.tw/histMain.jsp?voteSel=20120101A2 ( 最後瀏覽日: 09/15/2013 ) ; 立法院全球資訊網, http://www.ly.gov.tw/03_leg/0301_main/legList.action(最後瀏覽日:09/15/2013)。
司法院大法官審理案件法第5條第1項第3款規定:「依立法委員現有總額三分之一 以上之聲請,就其行使職權,適用憲法發生疑義,或是用法律發生有牴觸憲法之 疑義者」,得向司法院大法官聲請解釋憲法。
第13任總統、副總統選舉相關候選人之得票數統計,參見中央選舉委員會網站, http://db.cec.gov.tw/histQuery.jsp?voteCode=20120101P1A1&qryType=ctks(最後瀏 覽日:09/15/2013)。


Bekhoven, J. V. (2018). 解開台灣與巴拉圭原住民的雙重壓迫: 以原住民的土地權和自治權為中心 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201800117

