  • 期刊


The Study of the Combined Techniques used of the Top Table Tennis Player




世界頂尖選手 桌球 技術


This study is aimed to analyze the performance of each combined technique employed by TING, Ning, the world's top table tennis player, and to study the performance predictions resulted from using each technique. The study target is TING, Ning, the world's top three player. The study scope includes the games of different Opens in which she was one of the top four in 2009-2011, as well as the 8 high-level games she attended in the World Cup. The table tennis combined technique analysis chart is the study tool. Based on the observation method, the data collected are analyzed with descriptive statistics, stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research targets 13 excellent female table tennis players in the Asian Game. The research scope includes those games they attended. The research tool is the three-staged techniques analysis chart and based on the observation method, the data collected are analyzed to authenticate the research assumption by three-stage skill analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and independent t test. The findings are as follows: 1. For TING, Ning's performance status of using the compound skill, the scoring rate for the stage in serving the ball to attack is excellent, followed by mutal attack phase, receive attack phase, pushind phase, double cutting phase. The usage rate for the pushind phase is the highest, followed by mutal attack phase, double cutting phase, serve attack phase, and receive attack phase. 2. The best method to predict TING, Ning's performance is the scoring rate of pushind phase.


吳文嘉(2005)。蔣澎龍準備參加 2004 年奧運會桌球單打比賽技戰術之探討(碩士論文)。中國文化大學運動教練研究所。
