  • 期刊


Participation Motivation, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction for Soil and Water Conservation Volunteers


水土保持局於1989年設立第一處水土保持戶外教室,作為水土保持知識推廣宣導之場所,更於1991年開始招募水土保持義工,協助教育宣導等工作,另為因應2001年所頒布施行之志願服務法,水土保持義工也陸續培訓轉型為志工。因此,本研究遂以水土保持志工為研究對象,以問卷調查方式,了解志工在志願服務工作上的困難與需求,並探討其參與服務之動機與對於組織之感受,以及工作上的滿意程度,以利作為後續志工培訓及運用時之參考依據。研究過程利用IBM SPSS Statistics 21統計軟體分析問卷資料,分析結果得知目前水土保持志工之個人背景同質性高,對於工作上遭遇的困難不多(內在困難平均數2.86;外在困難平均數2.79),但專業成長培訓方面有高度的需求(專業成長需求平均數4.18;其他協助需求平均數4.16);志工參與水土保持志願服務主要動機為服務他人與自我成長,對於組織的承諾與工作的滿意度皆達同意/滿意程度;但志工個人平均月收入較低與年資較高者,在參與動機、組織承諾及工作滿意度上出現顯著的差異;以皮爾遜積差相關係數分析參與動機與組織承諾的相關性,其結果達到0.749,參與動機與工作滿意度的相關性達到0.734,組織承諾與工作滿意度的相關性達到0.776,三者間皆呈高度顯著正相關。


To improve public knowledge on soil and water conservation, the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau established the first outdoor classroom as a site for the promotion of its ideals in 1989. Volunteers were recruited to assist the department in 1991. Training programs were then held to ensure the transformation of volunteers under the Volunteer Service Act promulgated in 2001. The objective of this study was to identify the difficulties faced by and the requirements of soil and water conservation volunteers. Participation motivation, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction were investigated through a questionnaire. The data were analyzed through SPSS version 21. The results indicated that the backgrounds of soil and water conservation volunteers were highly homogenous and they encountered few difficulties during their service. However, demands for professional training programs were high. The main participation motivations were serving others and self-achievement. The volunteers demonstrated strong organizational commitment and job satisfaction. However, the volunteers with a low monthly income and high seniority showed significant differences in participation motivation, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. The Pearson product-moment correlation was employed to estimate the correlation. The correlation coefficient between participation motivation and organizational commitment was 0.749, that between participation motivation and job satisfaction was 0.734, and that between organizational commitment and job satisfaction was 0.776. Thus, all three variables had strong positive correlations with each other. The results of this study can be incorporated into volunteer training and management.


