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Study on the Official Website Traffic of National Taiwan Museum


官網為民眾了解博物館、取得參觀資訊的重要入口,同時也是博物館進行品牌營造與網路行銷的重要一環。運用網站流量分析工具,可以幫助經營者了解網站訪客從哪裡來、何時造訪、如何造訪、造訪內容及停留多久等資訊。為加強臺灣博物館與民眾的互動,本研究運用Google Analytics蒐集2017年臺灣博物館官網流量,從Google Analytics提供之數據進行分析,並輔以館方觀眾調查結果,以進一步得知GA數據的參考價值。從本研究取得之網站訪客背景、造訪方式、造訪行為與偏好之分析結果,本研究提出網站經營及行銷具體建議做為臺博館未來營運之參考。


The official website is an important entrance for the public to understand the museum and obtain visit information. It also acts an important role for museum's brand building and online marketing. Using website traffic analysis tools can help website manager understand where users come from, when they visit, how they visit, and how long they stay. In order to strengthen the interaction between the public and National Taiwan Museum (NTM), this study uses the Google Analytics to collect the official website traffic of NTM in the whole year of 2017 and export data from Google analytics for further analyzing. To understand the reference value of Google analytics, this study is supplemented by the results of the audience survey from the museum. Based on the users' background, visit channels, visit behavior and preference information obtained from this study, this study proposes specific recommendations to NTM for website management and online marketing.


Museum website Web analysis Google Analytics


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