  • 期刊


A Numerical Study of Leakproof CO_2 Geological Storage




The issue of safety is the first priority in carbon dioxide geological storage when injecting CO_2 into saline aquifers. The traditional CO_2 storage method is to inject CO_2 as a supercritical phase fluid into a formation. CO_2 is mainly trapped by the structural seal. The storage needs a sealed caprock to prevent CO_2 from leaking. The purpose of this study was to seek a leakproof CO_2 geological storage. CO_2 was dissolved in water on the ground or in the wellbore before it was injected into a saline aquifer. The solubility trapping mechanism could occur immediately in the storage. The mineralization trapping ensured a safe CO_2 storage. A numerical simulator was used in this study. The target site was the Yutengping sandstone formation in Y-field, which is a potential CO_2 storage formation in Taiwan. The simulation results showed that the geochemical reactions process was fast that accelerated the mineralization speed by means of dissolved CO_2 injection. CO_2 mineralization presented a novel strategy of injecting dissolved CO_2 to provide a leakproof CO_2 storage.


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