  • 期刊

Reporting on "China" in a "Novel" Way: Japanese Translations of Eileen Chang's The Naked Earth and The Rice-Sprout Song in the USIS-Tokyo Book Translation Program (1952-1956)



This study adopts the perspectives of "regional politics" and "cultural propaganda," in examining the relationship between the cultural propaganda of the United States Information Service Tokyo and Japanese translations of Taiwan and Hong Kong literature, taking as examples Eileen Chang's The Naked Earth and The Rice- Sprout Song. The study uses the records of the USIS-Tokyo Book Translation Program in the National Archives and Records Administration, analyzes the translation of literature from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and clarifies the importance of Japanese translations of works from Taiwan and Hong Kong for cultural propaganda in Northeast Asia. First, I demonstrate that as part of the Book Translation Program, the Japanese translation of the literature of Taiwan and Hong Kong is a medium for understanding "Communist China." Second, I explain the functions of the two works of Eileen Chang in the Book Translation Program and clarify their production process and the logic of U.S. propaganda. The Naked Earth was published by a family publisher, Sekatsu-Sha, and translated for its characteristics: "anti-communist," "journalistic literature," and "middle school level book series." In contrast, The Rice- Sprout Song was a special project in the Book Translation Program and a Jiji Press publication, characterized as anticommunist fiction. The paper uses the USIS-Tokyo Book Translation Program to outline the cultural propaganda development of the U.S. Aid Literary Institution in Japan, which started under Allied military occupation as the Japan Book Translation Program, and progressed to a collaboration with Japan's existing monopolistic publishing industry and international interpersonal network.




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