  • 期刊


Menopausal Women's Health is an Issue of Public Health Policy




This review focuses on the July 2002 JAMA paper submitted by the Women's Health Initiative investigators. The investigators (representing the National Institute of Health, USA) seriously announced their suggestion that the 13-year long Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) research needs to be discontinued in its 8th year because its harms outweighed its benefits. They emphasize HRT is oily beneficial as a short-term remedy but not for long-term prevention. This drastic action obviously reveals the conscientiousness and integrity of the US researchers. From the historical point of review, we discovered how the women activist organization aid feminist scholars in USA monitored the trial of HRT, which reduced the rate of abuse. However, the response of the medical sector in Taiwan, primarily gynecologists, has been defensive. The Department of Health, unlike the NIH of USA, have neither responded to the investigation in time nor have they responded properly. They have not provided necessary information on health care for menopausal women. Both the medical field aid the DOH misconceive the prevention aid treatment issue; misunderstand the cost/benefit ratio of epidemiological studies on clinical trials, neglect the reminding of women's organization; bypass the study of gender analysis and women's health; lack the monitoring of the medical ethic, and neglect its basic duty. The results show that menopause related to women's health should be an essential issue of public health policy in Taiwan.


Menopause Double blind experiment HRT


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