  • 期刊


A survey Study of Personal Protective Equipments Suppliers in Taiwan


目標:本研究是台灣首次針對個人防護裝備類防疫物資之供應端供應現況進行大規模調查,其調查對象含防護衣、N95和外科口罩之主要製造商與經銷商。此項調查結果將有助於政府與使用端有效規劃個人防護裝備儲備政策,增強國家防治疫災的規劃及應變能力。方法:透過供應商問卷調查及電話追蹤訪談,於2008年1至8月間深入調查10家製造商和37 家經銷商。結果:國內個人防護裝備供應端主要由「台灣設廠之製造商」、「海外設廠,台灣僅為分公司或經銷點之製造商」與「本身無工廠,純粹為經銷商或代理商」所組成。製造商多於中國大陸、東南亞、北亞和美洲等地設廠,該類廠商工廠與主要庫存都存放於台灣境外,故一旦疫情於亞洲區域進行蔓延,國內需求單位較不容易及時採買到足夠的個人防護裝備需求量。結論:台灣的防護衣自製能力低,對外依存度高,仍需儲備較高的國家安全庫存。不同於防護衣,N95 或同等級口罩以及外科口罩的台灣產能頗高,是以建議可予以調降現行高水位之安全庫存政策。


This research was the first time of a large scale survey on PPE (personal protection equipment) suppliers in Taiwan. Major suppliers of protective clothes, N95 and same level of masks, and surgical masks were surveyed on their supply conditions. The survey study intends to help Taiwan government and major user institutions to effectively set up right pandemic prevention policy regarding to the preparation of PPE materials and the strengthening of the ability for national pandemic prevention and contingency planning. Methods: A comprehensive questionnaire survey of 10 major manufacturers and 37 distributors was conducted using the semi-open questionnaire followed by telephone interview from January to August of 2008. Results: PPE supply side was composed by suppliers with Taiwan factory, suppliers with overseas factory, and distributors/agents. Suppliers with factory usually built factories outside of Taiwan, mainly in Mainland China, Southeast Asia, North Asia, or America. There were very few stocks kept in Taiwan. If any pandemic disease strikes an Asian country and spread out in Asia, there is a high risk of PPE shortage. Conclusions: Taiwan has low manufacturing capacity for personal protective clothes and relies mainly on overseas production and stocks. A higher national safety stock level is required. However, to avoid the disposal of overdue stocks, a collaborative and customized program with major protective clothes suppliers is needed for the turnover of safety stocks. For N95 and surgical masks, Taiwan is much better positioned with self-manufacturing capability. It is suggested to lower current national safety stock level for these two types of PPE.


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