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A Study of the Developmental Trajectory of Social Anxiety among Boys and Girls from 4th Grade to 11th Grade


目標:探討男生和女生社交焦慮發展軌跡之類型與相關因素。方法:從兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究(簡稱CABLE)資料庫中,選取2001年就讀國小四年級之世代,共1,621人為研究樣本,使用研究樣本連續八年間填答之資料,進行次級資料分析。本研究主要採用之統計方法為Group-based Trajectory Model及多項logit模型。結果:就四至十一年級各個年度的社交焦慮程度來看,女生皆顯著高於男生,且發現國中是學生社交焦慮提高的危險時期。就八年期間的社交焦慮發展軌跡而言,男生可以分成五類:持續微弱組(28.01%)、微弱變中等組(28.14%)、中等微降組(18.15%)、中等變嚴重組(21.44%)、持續嚴重組(4.26%);女生也可分成五類:微弱且下降組(10.00%)、中等變嚴重組(16.63%)、中等偏微弱組(48.63%)、嚴重變中等組(17.75%)、嚴重且上升組(7.00%)。與男生社交焦慮發展軌跡類型相關的因素有:父母處罰、父母支持、父母衝突及與同學互動程度;與女生相關的因素則為父母處罰及與同學互動程度。結論:應特別注意女生在四至十一年級間的社交焦慮程度是否偏高,並將學生社交焦慮的預防介入提前自小學即開始。父母應多給予男生支持、避免與配偶發生衝突、減少處罰子女的頻率,並鼓勵孩童多與同儕互動。


Objectives: To investigate the patterns of developmental trajectory of social anxiety among boys and girls from 4(superscript th) to 11(superscript th) grade and to examine the related factors. Methods: Data from 1,621 students followed from 4(superscript th) to 11(superscript th) grade (from 2001 to 2008) as part of the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) project were used for secondary analysis. The Group-based Trajectory Model and Multinomial Logit Model were used in the statistical analysis. Results: Girls had significantly higher social anxiety than boys from 4(superscript th) grade to 11(superscript th) grade. Students' social anxiety may increase greatly during junior high school. There were 5 trajectory patterns of social anxiety among boys: persistently low (28.01%), low to medium (28.41%), medium and declining (18.15%), medium to high (21.44%), and persistently high (4.26%). There were also 5 trajectory patterns for girls: low and declining (10.00%), medium to high (16.63%), medium-low (48.63%), high to medium (17.75%), and high and rising (7.00%). Developmental trajectory patterns of social anxiety among boys were significantly associated with parental punishment, parental support, parental conflict and interaction with peers. Girls' developmental trajectory patterns were significantly associated with parental punishment and interaction with peers. Conclusions: Girls' social anxiety is high from 4(superscript th) to 11(superscript th) grade. Preventive and intervention programs should be initiated early in elementary school. Parents should provide boys with more support, avoid conflicts, punish children less, and encourage children to interact more with their peers.


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