  • 期刊


A longitudinal assessment on the hosting countries' macroeconomic effects through hosting Asian Games




Introduction: Hosting major sport events had become a globalized strategy for many countries. Prior studies were supportive that major sport events could bring the host countries with substantial and considerable economic and non-economic benefits, so that many cities invested tremendous resources to bid for hosting major sport events. Despite the increasing influence of major sport events, could hosting Asian Games be regarded as a representative and positive signal of macroeconomic development for the hosting countries in Asian? Such an issue remained to be clarified by further long-term studies. Methods: Following the focus of previous literature on the economic effects of hosting major sport events, this study conducted a longitudinal analysis in which the secondary macroeconomic data were collected from the countries that had hosted Asian Games from 1951 to 2014 by employing dynamic panel data analysis. Results: The empirical evidence provided no statistically significant long-term macroeconomic effects on the growth measures of real Gross Domestic Product, real investment and international trade, except for short-term (i.e. Games phase) employment growth for the host countries of Asian Games. Conclusion: Most of the long-term positive macroeconomic effects could not be realized as the general anticipation of the host countries. It implied that hosting major sport events like Asian Games to facilitate national economic development might be a myth, even for the developing countries. The findings would be expected to provide the bidding authorities with hosting suggestions and references when they would like to assess the event benefits of hosting major sporting events in the future.


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