  • 期刊


The design and effect of polarized training on aerobic capacity


有氧能力是影響耐力運動表現的重要因素,但最佳訓練策略目前仍無確定答案。回溯性研究觀察優秀耐力運動員的訓練分佈後,提出極端化訓練(polarized training, POL)的概念,是以高量低強度訓練為基礎,並與高強度訓練刺激結合,產生優於其它訓練型態的有氧能力促進效果。本研究嘗試蒐集與系統性分析相關研究文獻,探討POL的效果及應用方式,期能提供關於提升有氧耐力適應的有效訓練策略。設計POL的訓練變項時,首先應以第一與第二換氣或乳酸閾值劃分強度區間(Zone 1, Z1; Zone 2, Z2; Zone 3, Z3),分配符合建議的比例(Z1佔75-85%,Z2佔0-10%,而Z3則佔15-20%),以確保促進有氧能力的正面效益。目前多數研究的結果顯示,POL優於閾值訓練與高量低強度訓練,而與高強度間歇訓練的效果相近,但也有文獻顯示POL對於有氧能力的提升幅度,可能高於高強度間歇訓練。綜上所述,對於受過良好訓練運動員而言,POL應是在編排訓練計畫時,能夠額外提升有氧能力的可行策略。


Aerobic capacity is an important factor that influencing endurance exercise performance. However, the optimal strategy for training program is still debated. The concept of polarized training (POL) has been proposed by retrospective researches after observing the training distribution of elite endurance athletes. The training stimuli was derived from the combination of high volume low intensity training (HVT) and high intensity training (HIT) with major emphasis on HVT, which resulted in a greater improvement in aerobic capacity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects and practical applications of POL through collecting and systematically analyzing previous studies. The first step for POL programming is to discriminate the intensity zones (Zone 1, Z1; Zone 2, Z2; Zone 3, Z3) by using first and second ventilation and/or lactate thresholds. Secondly, the training volume distribution of intensity zone should be carefully concerned while designing a well-rounded training program for well-trained athletes (Z1, 75-85%; Z2, 0-10%; Z3, 15-20%). Previous studies also indicated that the benefits of aerobic adaptation in POL were better than threshold training and HVT. Although the improvement in aerobic capacity in POL was similar with high intensity interval training, literature also reveals that POL might have higher magnitude of improvement. Overall, POL might be an appropriate strategy for designing a training program that further facilitates aerobic capacity and performance in well-trained athletes.


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