  • 期刊


Building a TCM Predictive Model of "Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow"




子午流注 中醫 五輸穴 漏刻 術數


This essay analyzes how TCM doctors constructed and mastered "Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow" knowledge within their acupuncture practice, as a means of predicting the condition of qi-blood in meridians. The Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow model was established in Jin and Yuan Dynasties and further developed in Ming Dynasty. Doctors who supported Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow believed that the optimal time to perform treatment is when meridian qi-blood flows through specific points (five transport points). We argue that ancient TCM practitioners modeled Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow of qi and blood on the correspondence between Heaven and human beings. The creation of the model was based on the convergence of three facets: "principle," "equipment," and "divination." "Principle" refers to the traditional view of the correspondence between Heaven and human beings. The idea of doctors choosing suitable times and spaces to heal patients likely stems from this correlative view of the universe and auspicious beliefs. "Equipment" means observational knowledge based on water clock, celestial globe, and armillary sphere. The upgrade of measuring equipment could increase their understanding of Nature. Even though the equipment appears to be unrelated to medicine, it actually contains meaningful social choices. "Divination" means the fortune-telling numerology divination techniques used in Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow, from which the convergence of Eight Characters Numerology and traditional Chinese medicine is evident. By using the principles of numerology and methods of divination, rotation of Heaven was deduced and formulated using a model which was constructed by doctors of Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow in ancient days. Later, it was believed by some doctors that this idea was too idealistic. The complicated Nature/Heaven relationship is always full of "surprises" which cannot be predicted by simple numbers and operations.


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