  • 期刊


Migrant Social Welfare Workers' Training and Localization Experiences in Long-term Care Facilities: A Social Inclusion View




The shortage of caregivers is a primary obstacle for promoting long-term care services in Taiwan. The Taiwanese government therefore opened up the foreign care workers (FCWs) association to enter the formal elderly care systems. The aim of this research was to analyze the current situation of FCWs participating in training, focusing on labor situations, and analyzing the factors affecting the implementation of education and training. This research applied qualitative methods, using field observations and in-depth interviews to collect data. Four long-term care facilities participated in this study. The subjects are foreign care workers and administrators, social workers and nursing staff. The study results revealed that the care work of long-term care facilities depends entirely on FCWs in Taiwan. Although the FCWs were trained before they came to Taiwan, their effectiveness was not as expected. Facilities need to pay attention to FCWs' recruitment training management and provide a comprehensive training program for them. Organizational differences affect the effectiveness of the implementation of on-the-job training. Finally, this research suggests that the design and evaluation of training materials need to consider the cultural and semantic differences of FCWs, as well as to evaluate the requirements of FCWs and the efficiency of training course. The standard operating procedures given to the FCWs need to be developed, along with government and private sectors cooperation. Establishing appropriate training has become an important mechanism for promoting the social inclusion needs of FCWs.


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