  • 期刊


Another Discussion on the Aesthetic Turn in Scarecrow of Ye Shengtao




As the first children's literature work, it has been widely accepted that the aesthetic style in Scarecrow was turned from romantic to realistic. But if compared with Ye Shengtao's problem novels, it indicated that: Scarecrow was not the literary tales collection which only writes about Children, but the reflection of times and society as same as his problem novels. This collection recorded and thought about a lot of social problems including children and childhood. Although the thoughts and narrative styles were not well developed so that stuck in the narrative trouble, the consciousness and avant-garde thinking became part of the construction of the new country and new citizen in the period of the May 4th Movement.


劉增人、馮光廉編,《葉聖陶研究資料》,北京,知識產權出版社,2010 年。
劉增人,《葉聖陶傳》,北京,東方出版社,2009 年。
葉聖陶,《葉聖陶集》第 1 卷、第 9 卷,南京,江蘇教育出版社,2004 年。
魯迅,《集外集拾遺》,北京,人民文學出版社,2006 年。
楊義,《中國現代小說史(第一卷)》,北京,人民文學出版社,1986 年。
