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多元文化就業場合的台灣人前留學生的異文化間糾葛與解決策略|Intercultural conflicts and conflict resolutions of former Taiwanese students in multicultural business environments




近年於日本留學之後在日本企業就業的台灣人前留學生有增加的趨勢,本研究以台灣人前留學生為研究對象,探討多元文化就業場合所發生之職務上的糾葛.感情.解決糾葛行動,並透過質化分析的手法研究其過程。以日本就業10年以內的9位台灣人前留學生為研究對象,實施半結構式訪談,並使用KJ法進行分析。本研究結果為「職務上的糾葛」75件、「產生糾葛時的感情」38件、「解決糾葛之行動」63件。此外,從發生糾葛到解決糾葛為止的過程中,也觀察到35件「面對解決糾葛之核定」。從此結果可得知台灣人前留學生在多元文化就業場合中,於職務上產生多種糾葛,雖抱持著負面情感,卻能轉換為正面想法,使用第三者援助…等策略以解決問題。並且,從被認為是台灣人前留學生特徵之糾葛事例的分析結果,可得知台灣人在職場環境中會顧慮且避免直接的對立,以解決糾葛。|The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate how former Taiwanese students who studied abroad and were employed in Japan were reacting to conflicts arising in multicultural business environments, how they feel about these conflicts, how they can resolve them, and how they process these interactions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine former Taiwanese students who earned their master's degrees from universities in Japan and had been working there for 10 years or less. The data was analyzed invoking KJ methods. We identified 75 instances of "conflict at work", 38 responses relating to "feeling towards the conflicts", and 63 "conflict solving behaviors". In addition, there were 35 instances of "assessment for solving the conflicts", which occur in the process of having feelings and a solving behavior. These results showed that the participants encounter various conflicts in multicultural business environments, and while some have negative feelings, they use the technique of converting ideas and solve the conflict with help from a third party. Moreover, the analysis of the cases showed that the participants consider their work environments and try to avoid direct confrontation to solve conflicts, which are distinctively seen in the former Taiwanese students.


交流協会(2016)「2015年度第5回台湾における対日世論調查」, https://www.koryu.or.jp/taipei/ez3_contents.nsf/04/27D0DCA6127C0D6349257FF4002D3D07/$FILE/2015seron_shosai_JP.pdf, 2017年7月9日閱覽
厚生労働省(2017)「『外国人雇用状況』の届出状況まとめ(平成28年10月末現在)」, http://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/houdou/0000148933.html, 2017年10月1日閱覽
国際交流基金(2015)「日本語教育国・地域別情報 台湾(2014年度)」, https://www.jpf.go.jp/j/project/japanese/survey/area/country/2014/taiwan.html, 2017年7月9日閱覽
日本学生支援機構(2016)「平成27年度外国人留学生在籍状況調査結果」, http://www.jasso.go.jp/about/statistics/intl_student_e/2015/index.html, 2016年8月4日閱覽
