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Preliminary Study of Semi-synthetic Artificial Diet of Great mormon (Papilio memnon heronus Fruhstörfer)


本研究重點在研發大鳳蝶(Papilio memnon heronus Fruhstörfer)的半合成人工飼料,並以天然食草文旦(Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck)葉片飼育為對照組,比較人工飼料對本種生長發育的影響,以數種生物特性探討此人工飼料配方之可行性。本試驗在網室內採大鳳蝶當日產卵,置於25 ±1℃,80 ± 5 % RH,光週期12L:12D條件的生長箱中,採用單隻飼育方式,分別以半合成人工飼料和文旦葉片飼育剛孵化的大鳳蝶幼蟲至羽化為成蝶。試驗結果顯示,兩組所得的蟲體在外部形態上沒有差異。剛孵化的一齡幼蟲生長發育至羽化成蝶的存活率,飼料組為16.0%,較葉片組的48.3%低;平均發育日數,飼料組為51.27 ± 1.36 日,比葉片組的43.46 ± 0.69日長約 7.8 日,以半合成人工飼料飼育的各蟲期存活率較低且所需發育日數較長。第一齡和第二齡幼蟲的頭殼寬度,飼料組大於葉片組,但第三齡至第五齡則相反,且本種幼蟲頭殼寬度超過5.15 mm 的閥值即可進入化蛹階段,兩組幼蟲的頭殼寬度皆隨齡期增長以平均約1.4 倍呈等比增加,且幼蟲頭殼寬度的常用對數與齡期間呈迴歸直線關係,符合戴爾法則。飼料組的各齡期幼蟲體長、蛹重、成蝶體重和翅長、翅寬等均小於葉片組。由此可知,本試驗研發的半合成人工飼料配方,僅含7.06 %文旦葉片粉末,算是可行且研發成功的配方,但未來應以此為基礎加以改進,期望能開發出有經濟價值的商業化產品。


This paper emphasizes on the research and development of the semi-synthetic artificial diet for the Great mormon (Papilio memnon heronus Fruhstörfer). Larvae fed with leaves of host plant, pomelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck), as control group, and the artificial diet as experimental group, were compared by biological characters of rearing insects in order to study the feasibility of rearing this species with the artificial diet. Eggs were collected from the host plant in the screenhouse, and kept individually in the growth chamber 25 ± 1℃, 80 ± 5 % RH, and a photoperiod of 12L:12D as the rearing conditions. Hatched larvae were individually reared with either the semi-synthetic artificial diet or the leaves of pomelo until adult emergence. Results indicate that the morphology and appearance in this species of two groups did not have difference. The survival rate of the experimental group, from the first instar larvae of newly hatched to adults, was 16.0 %, which was less than the control group 48.3 %. The average developmental period of the experimental group, from the first instar larvae of newly hatched to adults, was 7.8 days longer than those of the control group, that is, 51.27 ± 1.36 and 43.46 ± 0.69 days, respectively. This butterfly species, reared with the artificial diet, had a lower survival rate during each life stage and had a longer developmental period. The width of the head capsule in the experimental group from those of the first instar to the second instar larvae was larger than those of the control group, and those in the experimental group from the third instar to the fifth instar larvae was smaller than control group. Therefore, the threshold value of head capsule’s width for the larva’s development to pupa was above 5.15 mm. The increment of the head capsule's width of the larva is in accordance with the increase in the larval instar stage, it maintaines a ratio of 1.4 times in both groups. A linear regression relationship existes between the common logarithms of head capsule width of larva and the larval instar stages, which fitted with the Dyar's law. The body length during every instar larval stage, pupal weight, adult weight, adult wing length and width in the experimental group were smaller than those of the control group. The semi-synthetic artificial diet contained only 7.06 % pomelo dried leaf powder was developed in this study. These results could prove the diet formulation can be considered feasible and successful in rearing this butterfly species. But this artificial diet is just a basic type, requiring further study and improvement, to become economic and valuable commercial production in the future.
