  • 期刊


Established the Co-Creating Unique Value Business Model with the Acrossing Organizational Capacities of the Local Characteristics Industry- A Case Study of the Pingtung County Taiwu Coffee




This study discusses the integration capabilities across organizations from the point of view of co-creating value, and ascertains the creation value of the different organizational capacities in the value creating direction. Additionally, in this research, ABORIGINAL organic coffee industry as the main scope of the study, and this paper specially adopted the 4 co-creating principles (including inducements, principles, respect, and interaction) of Venkat Ramaswamy & Francis Gouillart for verification. To draw conclusions for the Department of Aboriginal industries with local characteristics combined with complex regional organizations, and the other characteristics of tourism resources, in order to promote the surrounding economic development, this is a complex integration of the regional industry’s characteristics to create the effect of co-creating Value. The organizations of this industry through the integration of organizational capacity gain of the new value. For the customer, it is extending the value of their cultural experience and the knowledge exchange of the cultural lifestyle; and the additional value of the business comes from the indirect benefits of integration between the cross-industry generated. Cross-organizational coordination and integration mode, which gives businesses and customers of new value creation. Another of the paper also found that members of the organizations through collaboration and sharing of resources, will expand the scope of cooperation and the scale of economies, and companies are deepening the value chain and diversification mode of operation, in order to achieve the target of enhancing its value.


