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A Study of the Influence of Air Pollution on Health of Kaohsiung Residents


空氣污染對人體有重大危害,臺灣重工業及技術密集產業多集中於高雄市,生產過程中會產生大量的空氣污染物,本研究採用迴歸分析探討空氣污染因子及氣候因子對不同年齡層的高雄市民眾健康所造成的影響,分析2011-2015年全民健康保險資料庫(National Health Insurance Research Database, NHIRD)中的急性上呼吸道感染每週就診人次並探討季節效應及交互作用之影響。分析結果顯示:1.依年齡層分析高雄市民急性上呼吸道疾病的每週門診人次,0-4歲新生兒顯著受 到空氣污染中的懸浮微粒10(PM_(10))及前期濕度的影響,5-14歲孩童顯著受到二氧化氮、前期二氧化硫、前期濕度及冬季效應與其交互作用的影響,15-24歲青少年顯著受到PM_(10)、前期一氧化碳、PM_(10)及二氧化硫於冬季時的影響,25-64歲壯年顯著受到PM_(10)、溫度及前期溫度、PM_(10)及二氧化硫於冬季時的影響,65歲以上老年人顯著受到懸浮微粒2.5(PM_(2.5))及前期溫度的影響。2.不分年齡分析全高雄市民急性上呼吸道疾病的每週門診人次,發現顯著受到PM_(10)、前期二氧化硫、溫度及前期濕度的影響。


Air pollution has a significant harm to human health, Taiwan's heavy industry and the technology industry are intensively located in Kaohsiung City, massive air pollutants are produced during the production process. This research uses regression analysis to explore the influence of air pollution factors and climatic factors on the residents' health of different age groups in Kaohsiung City, analyzes data from 2011-2015 in National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) of the weekly visits to clinics and hospitals of acute upper respiratory infection (AURI) and identifies the seasonal effects and interactions. The results show that: 1. According to the age analysis of outpatients with AURI, children aged 0-4 were significantly affected by particulate matter particles 10 (PM_(10)) and previous-term humidity in air. Teenagers aged 5-14 were significantly affected by nitrogen dioxide, previous-term ��������_2 and previous-term humidity, they suffered in winter and the interactions are significant. Young adults aged 15-24 were significantly affected by PM_(10), previous-term carbon monoxide, PM10 and sulfur dioxide (��������_2) in winter. Adults aged 25-64 were significantly affected by PM_(10), temperature、previous-term temperature、 ��������_2 and PM_(10) in winter. The Elderly above 65 were significantly affected by particulate matter particles 2.5 (PM_(2.5)) and previous-term temperature. 2. The analysis for all ages of AURI outpatients in Kaohsiung shows that people were significantly affected by PM_(10), previous-term ��������_2, temperature and previous-term humidity.
