  • 期刊


Use of a technology acceptance model to explore the smart phone exercise application needs of middle-aged and older adults


儘管過去中高齡者非科技產品關注之族群,然而近年來智慧型手機逐漸受到中高齡者青睞。規律運動是維持健康的策略之一,但是在生活中少有研究討論中高齡族群使用運動APP(Mobile Application)的需求。本研究招募居住於臺北市年滿55歲之中高齡者,使用研究團隊設計之運動APP自由鍛鍊共8週,爾後採用科技接受模型架構(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)進行訪談資料綜整,瞭解中高齡者對於運動App使用的情形(N=11)。研究結果發現:(1)外部因素會影響使用者對App產生不同的評價;(2)使用App進行運動時,會因為個人的手機操作能力及生理健康狀態而有所不同;(3)使用App的動機與成就感,則是決定接受或拒絕產品的關鍵。本研究結果將提供相關單位設計中高齡者運動App之參考,希冀未來能研發出更適切中高齡長者使用的運動App軟體,實踐智慧老化之願景。


Although middle-aged and older adults are not in the traditional target market for technology products, smart phones are seeing increasingly widespread use among this segment of the population. However, the opinions of middle-aged and older adults regarding the use of exercise mobile applications (apps) have rarely received the attention of researchers. In this experimental design study, participants (N=11) used an exercise app for 8 weeks after which the data collected were analyzed through the framework of a technology acceptance model. The results showed that external factors led different individuals to evaluate the app differently. Studied individuals used exercise apps in various ways depending on their personal physiological health status and proficiency in operating smart phones. Motivation and a sense of accomplishment in using apps played important roles among the individuals in determining their acceptance or rejection of the product. The results relating to the mobile exercise app will provide a reference for designing future apps and products for middle-aged and older adults.
