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A Probe into the Experience of Transformative Justice in Taiwan A Case Study of Political Cases




Taiwan had experienced a lot of political persecutions of the White Terror for the government's martial law since the February 28th incident in 1947. Under the authoritarian system of the martial law, the government arrested, judged by the military law, held and executed the political dissidents. From the viewpoint of the modern democratic rule of law, these acts are not allowed to be rationalized by any excuse. Therefore, a nation after democratic transformation should strive to practice the transformation of justice. This is the political and moral dilemma faced by all emerging countries that were transformed from autocracy to democracy. How to deal with the violations of human rights of the previous authoritarian system are important political works to complete the transformation of justice. Taiwan's democratic transformation and transformation of justice began in the 1980s. Taiwan passed three times of ruling party rotations after the lifting of martial law and democratization in 1987. The process of the transformation of justice in Taiwan has gone through four rulers including Lee Teng-Hui, Chen Shui-Bian, Ma Ying-Jeou and Tsai Ing-Wen, in spite of the fact that they have their own progress and persistence in their perceptions and actions to the transformation of justice. In accordance with the International Center for Transitional Justice put forward the specific content of the transformation of justice, which including 1.Investigation, 2.the Prosecute of the victims, 3.Compensation for victims, 4.Memorial, 5.Reconciliation measures, 6.Institional reform, 7.Personnel inventory , and the disposition situation of our government at this stage, this article will survey one by one according to the implementation content of transformative justice in political cases to understand whether Taiwan has implemented the transformation of justice.
