  • 期刊


The Development of Integrating Indigenous Culture into Mathematics Curriculum in an Experimental Elementary School




This study aimed to investigate the development and implementation of integrating indigenous culture into mathematics curriculum through school teachers working with a mathematics educator. The school teachers intended to integrate indigenous culture into mathematics curriculum design to improve the students' understanding on indigenous culture and mathematics performance. The case study method was employed and the members of Co-Learning Inquiry Community (CLIC) which constituted by the researcher and school teachers were the participants. The results indicated that the teachers concerned on the presentation of problems which included cultural scenario and representations when they analyzed and designed the curriculum. They intended to help the students to be familiar with and to understand the presentation of problems easily. Moreover, the teachers gradually thought about curriculum design, mathematics teaching and learning from the students' perspectives. In the curriculum implementation, the teachers almost followed the contents of designed curriculum. After the implementation, the focus of discussion and reflection was on the appropriation of problem representations. The curriculum developmental processes which this study adopted included analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, and revision could be as the reference for other experimental schools on curriculum development.


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