  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Impact of Mainland China on Taiwan's 31 Measures




Mainland China issued 31 measures to Taiwan, basically responding to the direction of Xi Jinping's Taiwan policy in the Nineteenth Congress report. In order to expand economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the strait, and realize mutual benefits and mutual benefits, it will gradually provide Taiwan compatriots the same treatment as mainland compatriots in the mainland in their studies, entrepreneurship, employment, and life. The Chinese mainland is attempting to exert pressure on the Taiwanese government to limit international space. At the same time, it has issued 31 measures to Taiwan and has used economic interests as a means to actively attract Taiwan's high-tech, high-level talents and Taiwanese youth to the mainland for development. If the government cannot effectively propose a stay, Talent and talent policies, Taiwan may be facing a crisis of rapid loss of talent.


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