  • 期刊

Convergent and Discriminant Validity Between the Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale and the Maternal/Child Behavior Rating Scale in Children With Developmental Delay



This secondary data analysis investigated convergent and discriminant validity between two systems of measuring parent-child interactive behaviors. We chose the Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale (NCATS) and the Maternal Behavior Rating Scale (MBRS)/Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) because of their clinical feasibility. A total of 28 videotapes from a previous study, in which parent-child interactive behaviors in a teaching context had been coded, were coded again by an independent coder. Pearson's correlations were calculated for the subscales of the NCATS and the MBRS/CBRS for parents and children, respectively. Moderate convergent validity (r = .397-.404, p < .05) and discriminant validity (r = -.089-.283, p > .05) were found for parental interactive behaviors between the measuring systems, while no correlation for child behaviors between systems indicated discriminant validity (r = -.252-.007, p > .05). Therefore, we recommend a short observation in clinical settings using both systems together for measuring parentchild behaviors to help setting the goal and optimizing the intervention effects.


近年來親子互動及親職教導能力亦是重要的療育成效之一,而臨床常使用不同的測量系統來記錄。本研究探討兩種親子互動行為測量系統之間之聚斂效度及區辨效度。本研究採用兒童教導量表(The Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale;簡稱NCATS)與家長/兒童行為量表(The Maternal Behavior Rating Scale/Child Behavior Rating Scale;簡稱MBRS/CBRS)兩系統來探討其臨床實用性。本研究利用先前研究共28對親子之互動錄影帶,錄影帶紀錄教導情境之下的親子互動,並由兩位獨立的紀錄者分別依據兩套測量系統進行親子互動行為評分。評分結果以皮爾森相關係數(Pearson's r)分別就家長及兒童行為,進行兒童教導量表及家長/兒童行為量表分量表之間的相關性分析。結果顯示,家長行為之測量同時存在兩測量系統分量表間之聚斂效度(r = .397 ~ .404, p < .05)及區辨效度(r = -.089 ~ .283, p > .05)。然在兒童方面,各分量表皆未有顯著相關,表示兩測量系統間之區辨效度(r = -.252 ~ .007, p > .05)。因此,兩測量系統可能掌握不同構面之親子互動行為。建議臨床可依據需求並使用兩種不同系統之測量,以協助設定兒童及家庭目標,並期能增進療育成效。


親子互動 聚斂效度 區辨效度 發展遲緩
