  • 學位論文


Knowledge Stock, Research Resource, and Knowledge Creation: The Moderating Effects of Organizational Characteristics and Institutional Constraint

指導教授 : 陳忠仁
共同指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


知識被認為是產生新的價值創造與競爭優勢的主要原因。因此,對於公司和個人來說,知識創造變得愈來愈重要。由於知識被認為是存在於個人,而且所有的組織學習是發生在個人的腦中,所以個人的知識創造是一個重要且值得深入研究的議題。 本研究的目的是提供一個探討知識存量與知識創造的實證研究,試著找出其知識存量與知識創造的關係。除此之外,本研究同時將這些結果與組織特徵與助理教授制度限制的關係進行連結,其中組織特徵包括了組織大小與種類;另外,本研究也確認研究資源與知識創造的關係,並且證實組織特徵與制度限制的調和作用。 結果顯示,知識存量和知識創造的關係並不只是一般所認為的直線,反而呈現倒U的關係,這表示對於知識創造來說,似乎有一個最適程度的知識存量;組織特徵會產生負向調和作用,不管是組織大小或是組織種類都會適度地調和知識存量和知識創造的關係,除此之外研究資源同樣會適度地產生負向調和效果。對於研究資源來說,與知識創造的關係是正向的;組織特徵與制度限制也會對該研究資源與知識創造造成負向調和的結果。這些結果從個人觀點提供實證,而且研究結果建議知識創造不僅僅受到組織層次的因素所影響,同時也會受到制度的影響層面。另外的管理意涵是,對於想要刺激知識創造的個人與組織來說,提供充足的研究資源是必要的。


Knowledge is regarded as a primary source underlying new value creation and competitive advantage. Therefore, knowledge creation is more and more important for firms and for individuals. Since knowledge is viewed as residing within the individual and all organizational learning takes place inside human heads, knowledge creation of individuals is an important issue and deserves further investigate. The purpose of this research is to offer an empirical study that to find the relationship between knowledge stock and knowledge creation. Besides, the study also examines knowledge creation related to organizational characteristics, which include organizational size and type, and institutional constraint of assistant professorship. The study clarifies the relationship between research resource and knowledge creation and testifies the moderating effects of organizational characteristics and institutional constraint as well. The results show that the relationship between knowledge stock and knowledge creation is more than linear as assumed but inversed U-shaped, which means that there would be an optimal degree of knowledge stock for knowledge creation. Organizational characteristics are negative moderators that both organizational size and type modestly moderate the relationship. Moreover, the institutional constraint of assistant professorship negatively moderates the relationship between knowledge stock and knowledge creation modestly. For research resource, there is a positive relation between research resource and knowledge creation. Organizational characteristics and institutional constraint negatively moderate the relationship between research resource and knowledge creation as well. The results provide empirical evidences of knowledge creation from individual perspective, and it is recommended that knowledge creation could not only be affected by factors at organizational level but also at institution level. Another implication for those who try hard to stimulate knowledge creation is that it is inevitable to provide enough resource for knowledge creation.


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