  • 學位論文


Investigation of Users’ Usage Behavior toward Knowledge Management Systems: A Perspective of Organizational Institutions

指導教授 : 陳小芬


在目前的經濟環境中,企業要維持競爭優勢唯一可靠的來源是知識,因此企業會藉由知識管理系統的輔助,將成員的知識做儲存且傳承的動作。根據統計,企業導入知識管理系統後,最大的阻礙是企業成員不願意使用該系統,而知識管理系統的知識,最主要是來自成員,因此當成員不願意使用該系統時,會造成系統容易導入失敗的原因。   為了要讓企業成員願意使用該系統,企業可以透過組織制度的協助,組織制度包括「正式規定」(regulation)、「認知」(cognition)與「規範」(norm),所以企業可藉由正式規定,採取強硬方式影響員工的行為及態度,或透過規範,導正員工對知識管理的認知,以增加員工對知識管理系統的運用程度,並減少知識管理系統導入失敗率。另外,在制度理論下,企業實務移轉是否成功,大多的學者會從「制度化」(institutionalization)的程度去衡量,在本研究中,採用程序例行化與價值內化衡量制度化的成效。因此本研究主張,企業將藉由制度來提昇制度化的程度,進而影響到企業成員使用知識管理系統的行為,包括使用系統的次數與多樣性增加及改善。最後,當使用系統的次數與多樣性都提昇,將對個人績效有所助益。因此本研究目的在探討不同的制度對企業導入知識管理系統的成效。   本研究採滾雪球的方式發問卷,共回收203份有效問卷,根據實証結果發現,企業能藉由不同的組織制度將知識管理成為企業例行化程序,同時將知識管理的價值內化到企業的價值系統,當企業透過制度影響到知識管理系統成為企業例行性的程序,以及系統的價值已內化到每個成員心中,表示制度對制度化的影響是正面的,進一步影響員工使用知識管理系統的行為,帶來知識管理的效益。


Knowledge is the basis of competitive advantage for surviving in the current economic environment. Knowledge management in terms of knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge retrieval and knowledge dissemination become a key factor for firms’ success. Unfortunately, many of the costly implementations of knowledge management systems (KMS) are failure in a rate of 50-70%. One factor is that users often disenchant and confuse with the effectiveness of KMS, resulting in low usage. Taking such failures seriously, this paper investigates reasons leading to success or failure of KMS usage through the perspective of organizational institutions. Three factors influencing success or failure of KMS are institutions, institutionalization and performance. Three pillars about institutions are listed as follow: regulation, cognition and norm. According to institutional theory, the success of transfer is measure by institutionalization of IT at the adopter organization. Practice IT adoption are conceptualized with two dimensions-procedure routine and value internalization. The institutions promote the institutionalization and increasing the degree of institutionalization will promote users’ usage behavior which includes rate of use and variety of use and raise individual performance. This paper is to investigation how different institutions influence enterprises implementations of KMS on performance. Snowball sampling is used to collect data in this paper and the 203 effective questionnaires are used for empirical test. The empirical results indicate that: (1) institutions have positive influence on institutionalization; (2) institutionalization has positive influence on users’ usage behavior and individual performance; (3) value internalization does not have effect on variety of use.


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