  • 學位論文


Development and Application of Optimization Model for Urban Drainage Layout Design under Street Flow and Operation of Pumping Station: A Case Study of Min-Sheng Community

指導教授 : 徐年盛


本研究依都市降雨-逕流進入街道與進入下水道系統先後順序之不確定性,建立街道流行水空間配合抽水機操作與雨水貯留設施之都市防洪設施配置設計優化模式,並選定臺北市民生社區作為試驗場址,以評估其都市防洪設施之最佳設計。 優化模式之建立,先定義益本比為目標函數,街道邊高與起抽水位之合理範圍為限制式,街道邊高及抽水機起抽水位為決策變數,分別將其公式化,並以啟發式演算法中之模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing, SA)為求解方法,以求得都市防洪設施之最佳配置。求解過程中,須以暴雨逕流管理模式(Storm Water Management Model, SWMM)模擬各重現期距暴雨下都市防洪設施配置(決策變數)前後之淹水情形,並經計算得年計成本、年計效益和益本比。 研究結果顯示,街道流設施於低重現期暴雨之防洪效果較佳,而雨水貯留設施則於高重現期暴雨之減洪效益較顯著。經由分析後發現,對街道流設施而言,低窪地區設置街道邊高之防洪效益最高,而路面窄小之地區效益最差;反觀雨水貯留設施,高地之滯洪效益最佳,而管線末端之滯洪效益最差。此外,高地和大集水區之雨水貯留設施攔蓄高流量洪水,管線末端之雨水貯留設施攔蓄中流量洪水,小集水區和管線前端之雨水貯留設施攔蓄低流量洪水。


Regarding the uncertainty of urban rainfall-runoff, this study establishes the urban flood control optimization model using street flow associated with the operation of pump and detention facilities for flows into the street and into the sewer system. This study takes Min-Sheng community in Taipei city as the test site to evaluate the benefit of urban flood control. The optimization model is developed by defining and formulating the objective function, constraints and decision variables. Benefit/Cost ratio is set to be the objective function. The reasonable range of the height of curbs and the elevation to operate pumps are considered as constraints. The decision variables corresponded to the height of curbs and the elevation to operate the pumps. After that, the flooding situation before and after the construction of the flood control facilities during each return periods is simulated by Storm Water Management Model(SWMM) and resolved by the Simulated Annealing(SA) of Heuristic algorisms. Annual benefit, annual cost and B/C ratio is calculated to acquire optimal arrangement of urban flood control facilities. The result shows that the street flow space has a better effect on the flood control during low return period while the detention facilities have a better influence on the flood control during the high return period. After analyzing the result, in the study of the street flow space, the side curbs can better flood control in the low-lying area, and less effect in the narrow street area. On the other hand, the detention facilities improve the flow control in the high-rising area, while with no significant effect in the surrounding area of the end of the sewer. Moreover, the detention facilities in the high-rising area and large catchment retain high-flow flood, the detention facilities at the end of the sewer hold middle-flow flood and the detention facilities in small catchment impound low-flow flood.


楊重信,「洪災防治之效益 — 以基隆河整治為例」,臺灣經濟預測與政策,中央研究院經濟研究所,第39卷,第1期,第33-67頁,2008。
