  • 學位論文


Establishing Competence-Based Training and Certification Program for Clinical Research Nurse

指導教授 : 胡文郁


研究目的: 規劃臺灣臨床研究護理師(CRN)五層級八大核心能力(Competence)與Level I (CRN Level I)能力內涵(Competency)之定義、建置臺灣臨床研究護理師Level I (CRN Level I)能力認證之培訓課程。 方法: 本研究分為兩個階段:第一階段採用修正式德爾菲法,延續王(2017)的研究結果做為基本架構,進行2016- 2018年的系統性文獻查證以擬定德爾菲專家問卷,採立意取樣進行問卷發放,定義出臨床研究護理師「五層級八大核心能力」與「Level I 核心能力內涵」;第二階段則依照Bloom’s taxonomy先分類CRN Level I核心能力之屬性,並遵循以能力為導向及課程發展的六個步驟來建置資格認證課程,最後會同參與問卷填答的專家進行專家會議,共同審視CRN五層級八大核心能力、CRN Level I能力內涵描述與共同規劃資格認證培訓課程。德爾菲問卷共發放2回合,使用文書處理軟體Excel與統計軟體SPSS 22.0進行資料分析,使用平均數(Mean)、標準差(Standard deviation, SD)及四分位差(Quartile Deviation, QD)進行描述性統計分析。判定內容是否修改及達成一致性的標準為: 平均數(Mean)>4.0分、四分位差(QD)>0.6與標準差(SD) >1之題項。 結果: 本研究最終確認 (1) CRN五層級八大核心能力之定義40項、(2) CRN Level I應具備之能力內涵共100項,(3) 十三堂CRN Level I能力認證課程,包含學習目標與教學策略,並依確立之課程結果研擬課程核心能力地圖,提供資格認證課程規劃、時數及評值範圍之建議。 結論與應用: 依本研究確立之專業核心能力與課程內容,可作為未來進階能力內涵(competency)、人員僱用與新人培訓、施行能力分級與證照制度、實務訓練架構發展等方向之參考。 關鍵字: 臨床研究護理、核心能力、能力內涵、以能力為導向、課程建置


Objective: This study aimed to define the five levels of eight core competencies and level I competency of clinical research nurses (CRNs) and to set up a training program for the level I competency certification of CRNs in Taiwan. Methods: This study was divided into two stages: the first stage involved using the modified Delphi method, continuing the research of Wang (2017) as the basic framework, carrying out a systematic literature review from 2016 to 2018 to design the Delphi questionnaire, performing purposive sampling to distribute the questionnaire, and defining the “five levels of eight core competencies” and “level I core competency” of CRNs. The second stage followed Bloom’s taxonomy to defines the Knowledge, Skill and Attitude of CRN Level I Competency, and followed the Six Steps of Competence-Based Curriculum Development to build a training program for the CRN level I competency certification. Finally, we held a meeting with the experts who participated in the questionnaire to review the five levels of eight core competencies/level I competency and jointly plan the qualification training program. The Delphi questionnaire was distributed for two rounds. The data were analyzed by Excel and SPSS 22.0, and descriptive statistics included the mean, standard deviation (SD), and quartile deviation (QD). The criteria to determine whether the content was modified or agreed were mean > 4.0, QD > 0.6, and SD > 1. Results: This study finally confirmed that (1) definitions of the five levels of eight core competencies, (2) 100-competency that level I CRNs should have, (3) there are 13 CRN level I competency certification courses, including learning objectives and teaching strategies. According to the established curriculum, the core competency map of the course was developed to provide suggestions on the curriculum planning, hours, and evaluation of certification. Conclusion: The competencies and curriculum established in this study can be used in future in the employment and training of personnel, implementation of a competency grading and certification system, and development of a practical training framework. Keywords: Clinical research nursing, core competencies, competency, competence-based, curriculum establishment.


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