  • 學位論文

「古蹟」建築資訊模型: 其於越南古代木建築復原計畫之成效與共通訊息環境之建置

Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM): Its Effects and Creation of a Common Data Environment (CDE) for Ancient Wooden Building Restoration Projects in Vietnam

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


遺產建築,有形資產不僅具有建築和結構意義,它還帶來了最有價值的歷史景點之一。與此類工作相關的修復項目和改造項目的規模和形式各不相同。不斷變化並始終應用許多新技術,管理者,建造者和修復者希望使用這些技術來保留傳統帶來的最佳價值。 BIM與修復項目的結合創造了新的突破。它不依賴於純粹的體力勞動者的元素,而是伴隨著技術時代將這種項目發展到一個新的水平。在此基礎上,數據系統完善,可見性能力,應用參數模型可以統計統計等等。儘管如此,HBIM已成為全世界恢復項目的趨勢,例如在埃及,英國。但在一些發展中國家,將BIM作為新項目的新方式似乎還有一些尚未解決的問題。因此,選擇一種方式既可以將BIM應用於新項目又可以應用於恢復項目,它可以使那些政府,個人方在一項試點研究中達到兩個目的地。 歷史視角通過遺產建築進行評估;恢復該遺產的項目是具體項目之一。本文將重點分析在應用新技術HBIM創建通用數據環境時遺產修復項目的特殊性。基於先前對模型發展水平(LOD)的研究,在案例研究中應用BIM的步驟,以更好地實現通過已證實的事實申請工作時的利弊。本研究報告還將嘗試找到一個不足之處,以便在應用於越南傳統的木屋修復工程時具有客觀的觀點。


HBIM 修復工程 木製建築 CDE 越南


Heritage buildings, a tangible asset not only has an architectural and structural significance, it brings also one of the most valuable historical places. Restoration projects and renovation projects associated with this type of job are diverse in both size and form. Constantly changing and always applying many new technologies that managers, builders, and restorations want to use to preserve the best values that legacy brings. The combination of BIM and the restoration project has created a new breakthrough. Instead of relying on elements of pure manual workers, it accompanies the technological age to develop this kind of project to a new level. Base on it, the data is systematically perfect, visibility capabilities, the applied parametric model can statistically statistics and more. Although, HBIM has become a trend in restore project throughout the world such as in Egypt, England. But in some developing country, applying BIM as a new way for a new project seem has some not yet issues. Thus, choosing a way can apply both BIM for new project and restoration project, it enables those, government, an individual party to reach two destinations in one pilot study. The historical perspective is assessed through heritage buildings; the project to restore that heritage is one of the specific projects. This paper will focus on analyzing the specificity of the heritage restoration project when applying new technology HBIM to create a common data environment. Based on previous studies on the level of development of the model (LOD), the steps of developing BIM applied in a case study to better realize the pros and cons when applying for a job submit through proven facts. This research paper will also try to find an inadequate point to have an objective view when applied to the traditional wooden house restoration project in Vietnam.


HBIM Restoration project wooden building CDE Vietnam


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