  • 學位論文


A Study of Self-identity and Sense of Place: The Case of Lifestyle Migration in Sanyi

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


苗栗縣政府近來透過鄉村道路改善、舉辦藝文展演活動凝聚觀光人潮與工商機會,積極打造「樂活山城」意象,間接帶動縣內農地買賣與建案開發,吸收都市民眾購置鄉村別墅作為自用或別居 (second homes)。苗栗「三義藝術村」因鄰近國道一號與木雕博物館,建商為社區營造濃厚懷舊與客家情懷,吸引鄰近都市民眾於此定居,形成一股自願性的反都市化 (counter-urbanization)現象。這股反都市化現象亦與人們在全球化時代裡所產生的焦慮及疏離感有關,「逃避主義」(escapism)成為人們解除失衡的身、心狀態的具體行動方案。 反都市化研究在國外行之有年,時空壓縮、地區不均發展以及鄉村觀光興起等因素,促使部分都市居民有能力追求理想中美好生活,進而遷徙至工商機會較不發達的鄉村地區,形成所謂的「生活風格遷移」(lifestyle migration)。此類遷移已引起歐美人口研究團體關注,並置於「遷移與離散 (diasporas)」主題中討論,可惜目前尚未受國內人文地理學界重視。基於上述研究缺口,本文期望透過對生活風格移民之空間與生命經驗的分析,進一步捕捉國內城鄉遷移的狀況,並以質性方法探討「三義藝術村」移民的遷移經驗與自我認同概念,同時將生活風格遷移與地理學的地方感 (sense of place)理論連結。研究結果顯示,追求「更好的生活」是移民遷移的主因,然更好的生活並沒有同質性,每位生活風格移民對於更好的生活皆有自身觀點與具體行動,這些行動鑲嵌在個人對地方的意義生產中,也因此移民之間也會產生衝突,而此衝突如何影響三義藝術村的整體發展,是本研究未來要繼續探討的項目。


The city hall of Miaoli County has been renovating the pavement in township, hosting art exhibitions and campaigns in order to attract tourists and opportunities for the local development of industry and business, and devoting actively to build the image of “Mountain City of LOHAS”. All these efforts, indirectly, bringing up local farmland trades and construction projects, and also drawing urban citizens to buy town houses as primary homes or second homes. “Sanyi Art Village” in Miaoli is located near the national expressway No.1 and the Sanyi wood sculpture museum; therefore, to take advantage of this location, contractors cultivate an intense nostalgic atmosphere of Hakka for the community, and successfully attracting urban citizens to settle down in the village. At the same time, the voluntary counter-urbanization phenomenon was formed up. This phenomenon is also related to the anxiety and the alienation of human beings due to the influence of globalization, and “Escapism” has become a practical plan for demolishing the unbalance of physical and mental condition. The study of the counter-urbanization has been a popular issue overseas. Due to the compression of time and space, the uneven area development and the arising of the country side tourism etc., part of the urban citizens are motivated to pursuit the ideal life, hence in-migrate to country side where less jobs are available. As a result, it forms so-called “lifestyle migration”. This very migration is under the theme of “diasporas” and has drawn lots of attentions from population research teams in foreign countries; however, it is not yet emphasized domestically in the field of human geography. For the need of filling this research gap, this dissertation aims at picturing the status quo of in-migration by providing the analysis of lifestyle in-migration on the perspectives of space and living experience and, with qualitative method approach, discussing the in-migrating experience and self-identity concept of the in-migrant in Sanyi Art Village; meanwhile bridging the theories of lifestyle in-migration and the sense of place in the field of geography. The result indicates pursuing “better life” is the major reason for in-migrating, while the concept of “better life” is heterogeneous according to the different point of view and the practice of each subject. These practices embed within the private interpretation of the relationship between the land and the villagers, thus conflict may arise among the in-migrants, and the conflict may influence on the future development of Sanyi Art Village, which also can be a potential topic.


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