  • 學位論文


The Impact of WTO Entrance on Taiwanese Agricultural Products―A Case Study of Irwin Mango in Tainan Yujing Area

指導教授 : 張宏浩
共同指導教授 : 孫立群


自西元2002年台灣正式加入WTO(世界貿易組織),組織內所有會員國進出口貿易須採取自由化措施,當然台灣也不例外,導致國內市場不穩定性增加;加入WTO雖對工業產品的部門可獲得較多的利益,但相對的卻使一般農業生產可能陷入困難局面,因為我國以往可藉由限制或限量進口與加重關稅等措施來保障國內某些特定農產品的做法,亦將隨著我國成為WTO的會員國而必須逐步開放國內市場與降低關稅。 由於我國高成本的農業生產將在國際市場上,面臨強大的競爭壓力而陷入困境,且自由進口的農產品種類亦明顯增多,輸入國家的範圍也更為廣泛,對台灣農業生產的不利影響範圍也更廣泛,影響程度亦更為加深。原本冀望加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,對台灣農產品會有較廣闊的輸出地區,但因生產成本比世界上大多數國家都高,不僅比開發中國家的生產成本高,甚至可能比使用機械化及大規模農場的開發國家高。因此可以出口的國家或地區仍屬有限,幾無太大機會;現階段台灣農業大多種植稻米、玉米、水果、雜糧等之經營型態和方式,同樣面臨加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後對這些農產品市場的衝擊。 本研究將以此愛文芒果為研究對象,除以文獻分析法與深度訪談來分析探討加入WTO對台灣農產品在外銷市場的國家數、產值、數量及收益等方面是正面或負面的衝擊和經營上可能存在的課題,並以SWOT分析來建構現階段愛文芒果經營方面之對策方案,以供該地區果農與政府相關單位參酌與協助。經由本研究探討結論有加入WTO前後其外銷國家數的年平均增加6個國家,其增幅約33.3%;芒果年平均外銷產值增加約13,720,800美元,其增加約為加入WTO前的9倍;另加入WTO前後芒果年平均外銷量增加約3,453.8公噸,其成長增幅達約152%;一公頃的愛文芒果年平均淨利潤約增加18.5萬元,其成長增幅約106%,亦即增加約1倍;總體而言加入WTO後對芒果產業確實有正面的影響。此外,在芒果栽種經營上的課題則可歸納有四個課題;而SWOT各象限列舉條目交叉分析的策略結果,就該四個象限依序以3→1→4→2的處理順序逐步解決問題,求得該地區愛文芒果產業經營發展之順遂與妥適。


Since 2002, Taiwan formally joined the WTO (World Trade Organization), wherein import and export trade liberalization must be observe by all member states within the organization. Of course, Taiwan is no exception and this led to increased market instability. While the industrial sector products benefitted with WTO, the general agricultural products fell into a difficult situation due to our own restriction and limitation on import tariffs and other security practices for domestic agricultural products. As WTO Member States, we must gradually open up the domestic market and lower tariffs. The high cost of local agricultural products faces strong competitive pressures in the international market. The import of agricultural products increased significantly, which adversely and broadly affected local agricultural production range. Hoping to have wider market by joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) for Taiwan's agricultural output did not materializes because of production costs are higher than most of the world, not only higher than that of developing countries and possibly even more than the developed countries with use of mechanization and large-scale farms. Therefore, the countries or regions can be exported is limited with almost no big chance. At this stage, most of Taiwan's agricultural planting of rice, corn, fruits, grains through other patterns and manner of operation, also face the impact after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) . This study will focus on the Irwin mango as the research object. Document analysis with in-depth interviews to analyze the WTO effect on agricultural products in Taiwan; explore aspects of national data, value, quantity and proceeds from the export market if it had a positive or a negative impact on business; the existing problems and SWOT analysis to construct countermeasure stage for Irwin mango business; for the region's farmers and the relevant government units and assistance. This study showed there is an increase of six countries or about 33.3% since joining WTO. Mango export value increased by an annual average of approximately $ 13,720,800. An increased of about 9 times after joining WTO ; add another mango annual average increase foreign sales before and after the WTO about 3,453.8 tons, its growth increase of approximately 152%; Irwin mango-year average net profit increase of about one hectare 185,000 yuan, an increase of about 106% of its growth, that is an increased by about 1 times; overall, the WTO on the mango industry does have a positive impact. In addition, on the subject of mango planting operations can be summarized in four subjects; and SWOT analysis of each quadrant include cross-entry strategy results in respect of the four quadrants sequentially processing sequence 3 → 1 → 4 → 2 gradually solve the problem , to obtain smooth operation and appropriate development of the Irwin mango industry in the region.


林國榮(2004)。入會關稅減讓對我國農業就業影響之事後一般均衡分析,農業與經濟 (Agriculture and Economics), 33, 113-154。台大農業經濟學系出版。
