  • 學位論文

雙腳踩踏的變奏曲: 台北市腳踏車族的移動經驗與身體實踐

The Variations of Pedalling: Moving experiences and body practices of the cyclists in Taipei City

指導教授 : 畢恆達


2007年,電影《練習曲》帶動台灣單車環島的熱潮,也強化了單車休閒化的印象。然而,本研究欲將腳踏車的性質從遊憩活動拉回到日常代步裡,從身體經驗出發,並以Donna J. Haraway的「人機複合體:賽伯格(cyborg)」概念,探討腳踏車族透過「半人半車」的移動狀態所體現的空間主體性。 在研究設計上,針對移動經驗的探討,將以高度使用腳踏車代步的族群進行深度訪談,作為分析腳踏車族感知行車空間的身體文本。而在身體實踐的探討上,將從具有特殊身體處境的受訪者為對象,探討身體與腳踏車之間的關係,以及腳踏車如何體現來自與生理身體與社會身體的肉身化經驗,藉以抵抗和反轉原有身體的限制,重新獲得掌握空間的主體性。 本研究欲突顯身體經驗是分析腳踏車移動的重要面向,透過身體踩踏的能量轉換,展現腳踏車在當前「環保」、「健康」等道德訴求之外,作為一種體現賽伯格(cyborg)的行動實踐。本研究認為在城市的移動裡,腳踏車的移動方式具有「半人半車」的混雜特性,讓它們得以成為具有獨特移動節奏的「賽克里司特」(cyclist),並得以「隱身」穿梭於以機動車為主的城市交通系統之中,成為一種獨特的城市流動地景。另外,透過不同賽克里司特的身體處境,探討人(身體)與腳踏車(科技物)在結合所產生的各種可能性,並且重新反省人機複合體當中「肉身性」的意義,期望藉此展現出人機複合體的限制與能動性意義。


Although a large number of studies have been made on leisurization of cycling, little is known about the cycling experiences in daily life. In this study, the main argument falls on the importance of daily movements by cycling. To borrow Donna J. Haraway’s concept of “Cyborg”, I use the term “Cyclists” to refer to whose embody the spatial subjectivities by cycling in their mobile practices. I focus on the people in Taipei City who use bicycles as their main way of moving. First I discuss “the body while cycling” and consider the body experiences about the space of transport system, especially the bike-lanes. Then I concern “the body with bicycle”, arguing that possibility of bicycle can be a part of the body and becoming a “Cyclist”. Cyclists use bicycles to change the limit of the original body’s ability and get their mobility from this low-tech vehicle. In conclusion, there are three points in the study. One is to suggest that body experience can be an inspiring approach of analyzing cycling issues, in addition to health or environment. Another is to show Cyclists present more effective and powerful mobility than other vehicles in the city, by easily switching their body boundary between human and bicycle. Also, this kind of mobile switch is an extension of body ability, and Cyclists release their restrictions and present their agency by the ambiguity of cyclists’ hybrid essences make them transfer easily between body and bicycle in their daily moving practices.


cyborg cyclist embodiment bike-lane Taipei City


王志弘(1992)都市流動危機的論述與現實-台北「交通黑暗期」的分析。台灣社會研究季刊,第 3期,第2&3卷,頁105-182。


