  • 學位論文

以淹水模式評估保水減洪策略之成效 -臺中市筏子溪流域個案研究

Evaluating Benefits of Water Retention Strategies by 2D Inundation Model -A Case Study of Fazih Basin in Taichung City

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


近年來受到氣候變遷以及都市化擴張之影響,都市的環境問題日益惡化,其中一個較為嚴重的問題就是水患問題。都市化劇烈的改變了水循環的狀態包括了洪峰流量的增加以及集流時間下降等問題。極端降雨事件加上都市化之影響使得都市面臨更大的水環境危機,許多的研究也已經指出過往透過單一工程方法治水之思維已經無法有效解決都市之水患問題。基於以上之問題,流域綜合治理的觀點便提出工程方法應與各種保水措施方法連結,以有效降低地表逕流並創造更加健康的都市環境。本研究以近年來都市化迅速的臺中市筏子溪流域做為模擬研究空間。透過二維淹水模式和地理資訊系統呈現不同土地利用狀況下實施保水方法後流域內的積水或淹水狀況的改變情形。結果顯示出,保水減洪策略 (LID、BMPs) 之方法對於淹水狀況之改善能發揮其效果,但是降雨強度過大仍然無法百分之百削減。模式分析之結果可以得知保水策略對於降雨強度過大之降雨淹水面積改變量有限,其主要的貢獻為使洪峰流量及洪峰時間延後。一般降雨事件中,保水減洪策略則能發揮相當大之效果。除了有效改善積水的範圍以外亦能降低洪水流量及延後洪峰時間。在面對極端氣候日益惡化之今日,保水減洪方法除了降低洪患的嚴重度外亦能創造健康之都市環境,政府或各部門應該持續推廣這樣的概念方法以創造更好之都市環境。


Urbanization and climate change have caused many problems and one of the serious problems is flooding in urban area. Urbanization can lead to hydrologic condition change such as stream peak flow will increase and time of concentration will decrease etc. Many researches also point out that using engineer methods alone to deal with flood problems could not solve the problem in urban area. From integrated watershed management point of view, non engineer methods (water retention facilities) and engineer methods are innovative methods to reduce urban surface run off , it can also create a healthier ecology city. This paper will take Fazih River Basin as an example which is in the fastest urbanization rate in Taiwan. We use 2D inundation model and geographic information system to simulate how land use transformation can affect flood condition. The analysis consequence reveals that non engineering methods make significant effect on flood control, but havy precipitation will limit its retention capacity. The result of analysis shows that under the heavy rainfall event, water retention methods can not decrease flood area effectively. However, it can delay time of concentration and decrease initial flood discharge. Under the ordinary rainfall event, water retention facilities can not only reduce flood area but decrease flood discharge and delay time of concentration. When facing climate challenge, water retention methods maybe are one of good solutions. Promotion of water retention methods will form an ecology city in the future, so government should convey this concept to its citizen to generate a better city.


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