  • 學位論文


The Entry Strategies of Medium-Sized Foreign Construction Firms for Entering into Vietnam:Institutional Theory Perspective

指導教授 : 荷世平


台灣產業南進競相移轉到越南設廠為一個不可擋的潮流與趨勢,目前台商投資越南的主體已由過去的中小企業轉由大型企業主導,投資出現集體化大規模化發展並預期能提供預備進入越南市場之跨國營造公司,有更多元的決策角度。 本研究藉由案例研究法探索xx營造進入越南之經驗,找出可能影響的重要因素,預期各項限制將逐步開放之際赴越南開拓市場乃成為一思考方向。而台灣營造業在面對越南龐大的公共建設投資及民間建廠商機與加入WTO 之後在考慮進入國家的制度環境與法令後,選擇較佳之進入模式以求降低因進入模式的選擇錯誤造成之公司經濟上的損失與經營的風險。


Taiwanese industry shifts to Vietnam become irresistible trend. In the last few years, Taiwanese investment in Vietnam has been transferred from medium-size companies lead to large enterprises. Therefore, after joining the WTO the Taiwan’s construction business is gradually multinational corporation and diversification tactics. In order to, integrated into the international market and facing competition directly. In my study in based on the case experience of entering Vietnam to identify the possible factors, and to likely to be affective to provide transnational corporations that are ready to enter the Vietnamese market. In the conference, to have more decision-making point of view, in considering Vietnam’s environment, decree, to better choose an entry business model, In order to, reducing enterprise losses, management risk, and making wrong business decisions.


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