  • 學位論文


A Case Study on digital home strategy of HP and SONY companies

指導教授 : 湯明哲


家庭網路建構已經日益普及,讓原本家中各自獨立的電腦、通訊、網路產業產生了劇烈的數位聚合。因此,在數位化、寬頻化及聚合化的推波助瀾下,「數位家庭」新興應用產業因應而生。 本論文首先對「數位家庭」產業進行產業的背景介紹,包括「數位家庭產業」的應用願景及各階段之發展歷程,影響產業未來發展的「高速傳輸技術」及「媒體壓縮技術」,各產業聯盟訴求及發展現況以及全球主要大廠的策略佈局。 「數位家庭」產業正在發展中,相關產業皆將此應用視為帶動未來產業成長的新契機。然而,相異的產業特性,各國際大廠依照其現有產品線及產業特性,勾勒出對未來家庭的願景及策略佈局,使得各產業對於數位家庭的佈局大相逕庭,更利用產業聯盟增加產業間競爭及合作關係,讓終端系統平台的標準之爭更加激烈。 目前以美系為主的資訊廠商跟日系為主的家電廠商正積極主導產業,本研究將以個案研究的方式分析國際主要資訊及家電廠商在數位家庭平台競爭的規劃,試以比較其中的相同、異處,歸納出數位家庭競逐中的可能情境,在現有核心能耐及能耐延伸一連串的策略佈局下,歸納出該產業的需求引爆點及發展該產業的成功關鑑因素。並得到以下觀察: 一、IT、CE廠商以自利觀點各擁其主,具通訊功能的消費性產品將拔得頭籌 二、未來產品型態尚處演化,顯示、控制、連結及儲存將是必備功能 三、引爆數位家庭需求—影音內容


數位家庭 平台競爭 SONY HP


The digital convergence era which all stand-a-lone mobile, information and consumer electronics devices connected together is triggered by the adoption of home networking. The home networking also finally begins to deliver on its promise of enabling the integration of communications and entertainment services and devices that make up the digital home. Hence, the digital home era is speeded up by three factors:digitalization, converged, and broadband. In the new digital home world, CE, mobile and PC devices will seamlessly interact with each other to co-operatively enhance the consumer experience. However the digital home industry is still evolving. The industry scope and the characteristics of this industry are still vague. This study conducts the analysis of digital home industry including the definition of digital home, the description of digital home evolution, adopted technology, the comparison of digital home strategic alignments, the major players and the roadmap of major components ex, CE, IT and mobile manufacturers. While these data-centric home networking drivers and applications will continue to be at the heart of home networking in the past time, entertainment- and multimedia-networking functions have already begun to emerge and will begin to blossom in the middle years of the forecast period. There are wide array of arguments against the establishment of the PC or the CE (Consumer electronics) at the center of a consumer’s digital living room. By analyzing and comparison the digital home roadmap and strategies of HP and SONY , this study concludes that: 1.The consumer electronic products with communication function have bigger opportunity to catch home users’ attention. 2.Although the mainstream products of digital home are still evolving. The basic functions for display, control, storage and connection are necessarily possessed in the future product. 3.The triggered need of digital home may be the digitalized movie and music content.


Digital home HP SONY competition among media centers


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