  • 學位論文


Constructing the Business Model for Taiwan Microcinema Industry

指導教授 : 鄭自隆


台灣微電影產業於2011年開始崛起,風行了好幾年,卻在2015年開始走下坡,這其中包含了微電影自身的問題,還有後繼者的競爭,讓微電影有點一蹶不起的跡象。 本研究以《獲利時代》一書中的商業模式理論,採用修正式德菲法的研究方法,邀請11位產、學的專家學者,提供專業的意見和看法,最後,研究出適當的微電影產業發展營運模式,以利於建立有效及優化的產業結構。 最後結果,本研究擬定之台灣微電影產業發展之營運模式如下: 1.俱備有彈性、相容與互動的價值主張,朝「短篇電影」方向發展。 2.創意創作是最重要的關鍵活動。 3.專業與人才是微電影重要的關鍵資源。 4.通路上,要能更加精準的接觸目標客層。 5.以全球閱聽人為目標客層。 6.發展多元收益流。 7.廣告的置入必須適當、令人會心一笑,勿過曝。 8.成本結構上,IP佔10%,製片佔60%,宣傳佔30%。 9.與關鍵合作夥伴之間,保持競合關係。


Taiwan’s Microcinema industry, which began in 2011, has been popular for several years and began to decline in 2015. This includes many reasons, such as its own problems and competitors. These reasons have caused the decline of Taiwanese microcinema. We conducted this study using Business Model theory and Modified Delphi method. In addition, we invited 11 experts from the microcinema industry and academic circles to provide us with professional advice. Finally, we proposed a business model suitable for the development of Taiwan's Microcinema industry. The Business Model we suggest for Taiwan Microcinema Industry is as follows: 1.Taiwan's microcinema industry should have a value proposition of flexibility, compatibility and interaction, and develop towards a "short film". 2.Creative creation is the most important key activity 3.Professionalism and talent are the most important key resources. 4.It must be more precise contact with the target layer in channels. 5.The Customer Segments should include global audience. 6.Diversified income should be developed in Revenue Streams. 7.The placement of advertisements must be appropriate and give audience a knowing smile. 8.In cost structure, IP accounts for 10%, production accounts for 60%, and publicity accounts for 30%. 9.Maintain a competitive relationship with key partners


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