  • 學位論文


Dental Caries and Related Factors of Children and Adolescents Aged 6-18 Years Old in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃純德
共同指導教授 : 陳弘森(Horng-Sen Chen)


背景︰ 世界衛生組織(WHO)於西元1988年制定西元2010年全球之口腔保健目標,希望世界各國12歲兒童的平均DMFT index在2.0以下。台灣在西元2001年12歲兒童的DMFT index是3.31。2006年台灣6歲以下兒童口腔狀況調查結果分析,平均deft index為4.35,台灣北部為 3.67,中部為5.25,東部為5.02,南部為4.40,南部的結果與全國最接近。在有限的人力、物力限制下,以南部6-18歲兒童青少年為研究調查對象,期望透過口腔檢查及問卷調查,來了解6-18歲兒童青少年齲齒狀況及其影響因素,進而提出防治策略。 目的︰ 探討台灣南部6-18歲兒童青少年齲齒狀況及飲食、口腔清潔習慣、看牙醫經驗等相關因素。 方法︰ 本研究對象以台灣南部6-18歲兒童青少年為母群體,共收集有效樣本3,456份。採分層多段隨機集束抽樣調查法,抽樣機率以等比隨機抽樣(PPS design)方式進行抽樣。以口腔健康檢查及問卷收集相關飲食、口腔清潔習慣、看牙醫經驗等資料。資料先鍵入Microsoft Access之資料庫,再以JMP5.12等統計軟體來進行統計分析。 結果︰ 本研究顯示﹕台灣南部6-18歲兒童青少年齲齒狀況調查結果,台灣南部6-12歲兒童乳牙齲齒指數、乳牙齲齒盛行率隨年齡增長而下降(p <0.0001)。6歲之deft index為5.42±4.86,齲齒率68.14%,12歲之deft index為0.15±0.58,齲齒率為4.09%有逐漸下降。在6歲,DMFT index為0.25±0.69,恆齒齲齒率10.55%;12歲為2.27±2.48,恆齒齲齒率36.35%;18歲DMFT index 5.06±3.75,齲齒率為47.67%,恆齒齲齒率隨年齡增長而增加。影響6-18歲兒童青少年齲齒之重要因子為年齡、父母親年齡、教育程度、甜食、口腔清潔習慣、就醫經驗等。 結論︰ 藉由齲齒狀況的分析,可以促使相關人員更能加強牙齒保健的宣導工作,以提高兒童青少年的口腔保健的意識與行為,且能定期到牙科門診檢查口腔健康狀況,有齲齒能儘早發現與治療。


齲齒 6-18歲 兒童 青少年


Background: In 1988 the World Health Organization set the 2010 global oral health goal which requires a DMFT index of less than under 2.0 of children under 12 years old. In Taiwan the DMFT index of children under 12 years old in 2001 was 3.31. According to the results of oral condition investigation in children aged under 6 years old in Taiwan, the mean deft index is 4.35, 3.67 in northern Taiwan, 5.25 in central Taiwan, 5.02 in eastern Taiwan, and 4.4 in southern Taiwan in 2006. The result of southern Taiwan is the closest to the mean index of the country. With the limitation of manpower and resources, we investigated children aged from 6 to 18 years old in southern Taiwan through a dental examination and a questionnaire to understand dental caries and its related factors so that we can further propose a preventive strategy. Objectives: We aimed to investigate the dental caries condition of children and adolescents aged from 6 to 18 years old in southern Taiwan on some relevant factors such as their diet, oral hygiene habits and experience of visiting a dentist. Methods: The main research group of this study, was children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years old who live in southern Taiwan. A total of 3,456 effective samples were collected. The method of this study was Probability Proportional to Size(PPS design), using the same proportion random sampling. This study collected materials by oral examination and a questionnaire on diet, oral hygiene habits and experience of going to a dentist. The information was entered into a data base designed using Microsoft Access, and statistical analysis was performed with JMP5.12. Results: This study researched the condition of dental caries, aimed at children aged 6 to 18 years old in southern Taiwan. In southern Taiwan, the temporary teeth caries index and prevalence rate reduce with the increase of age(p<0.0001).The deft index of children aged 6 years old was 5.42±4.86, with a caries prevalence rate of 68.14%;the deft index of children aged 12 years old was 0.15±0.58, with a reducing caries prevalence rate which was 4.09%. The DMFT index was 2.27±2.48 in children aged 18 years old, with a permanent tooth caries prevalence rate of 47.67%, the permanent tooth caries prevalence rate rose with the increase of age. The important factors which influence children and adolescents aged from 6 to 18 years old are age of children, age of parents, the level of education, sweet food intake, oral hygiene habits and experience of going to a dentist. Conclusion: By analyzing the condition of dental caries, we can strengthen the awareness of tooth care. It also can enhance the dental health realization and behavior of children and adolescents, and encourage them to visit dentists for regular dental health checks. Therefore, dental caries can be discovered and cured more efficiently.


Dental caries 6 to 18 years old children adolescent


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