  • 學位論文


A Study of Protection System of Public Employees:A Case Study of Downsizing of the Taiwan Province Government

指導教授 : 趙達瑜


我國早期受禁於傳統特別權力關係理論的桎梏,公務人員之保障受到箝制,直至一九八四年司法院大法官會議釋字第一八七號解釋突破特別權力關係事項不得爭訟的藩籬,此後公務人員得以提起救濟的範圍逐漸擴張,及至一九九六年公務人員保障暨培訓委員會成立,公務人員保障法公布施行,使我國公務人員保障法制進入有主管機關並有專法規範的一個嶄新階段。適逢一九九九年臺灣省政府大規模精簡組織,對原臺灣省政府所屬公務人員衝擊既深且廣,也提供了公務人員保障制度檢驗的絕佳案例。 本研究採取文獻分析法深度及深度訪談法,主要的文獻來源包括國內有關公務人員保障制度之書籍、研究報告、期刊論文、大法官會議解釋及保訓會網站(http://www.csptc.gov.tw)所公布的資料,經由文獻的分析與探討,期能對相關概念、理論、制度、與現況有所釐清與瞭解,並對精省保障案件進行分析,以瞭解其救濟類型、事件類型、救濟人背景及救濟結果;深度訪談方面,對原省府公務人員及精省保障事件救濟人進行訪談,探索受訪者對於各種事件所賦予的意義,以瞭解原臺灣省政府員工對公務人員保障制度之認識、救濟人對救濟結果之滿意度、及對公務人員保障制度的看法與建議。 本文第一章介紹研究動機、研究問題、研究目的、文獻探討、研究途徑與研究方法、研究架構與研究流程及名詞界定;第二章從公務人員保障之法理基礎出發,介紹公務人員與國家之關係及行政法之一般原則;第三章探討公務人員保障制度發展過程,並對現行保障制度進行分析;第四章介紹精省源起及組織精簡推動概況,並對保障法與精省權益保障措施進行研析;第五章介紹臺灣省政府組織精簡員工權益保障事件之決定書及訪談資料之分析結果;第六章提出研究發現與建議。 當前政府刻正規劃推動中央政府組織調整,作者身為前臺灣省政府員工,對精省有切身的感受,爰思本研究或能藉由探討精省過程中,公務人員權益保障問題,從中萃取寶貴的經驗,並期在學術面向能促使我國公務人員權益保障制度不致成為組織改造的絆腳石,又可有效保障公務人員的權益;在實務面向藉由理論與實務的交叉印證,提出建議供將來修法之參考;在社會面向能使公務人員面對組織改造時都能無後顧之憂地全力配合,使行政革新更有效,使行政效率更提高。


權益保障 公務人員 申訴 復審 救濟制度


In the early age, our country was pinned down by the theory of Das besondere Gewaltverhaltnis (special power relationship). The rights guarntte of civil servants was limited until the grand justice meeting of the Judiciary Yuan gave the interpretation Shih-Tze#187 in 1984 breaking that Das besondere Gewaltverhaltnis could not be litigated. Thereafter, the range of civil servant remedy has beed extended. In 1996, Civil Service Protection and Trainning Commission was founded, and the Civil Servant Protection Act was announced and come into force. These made the protection system of our civil servants into a new stage regulated by organzation in charge and by professional laws. In 1999, Taiwan Province trimming and streamlining attacked its civil servants deeply and widely. However, it also offered a good examination case for the protection system of civil servants. The Document Analysis and In-depth Interview were adopted on the study. Most documents are from the books of about civil servant protection system, study report, journal, thesis, the interpretation from the grand justice meeting of the Judiciary Yuan, and the information from the web of Civil Service Protection and Trainning Commission (http://www.csptc.gov.tw). Its purpose is to clarify and understand related concepts, theory, system, and status through the analysis and conferment. It also makes analysis on the protection case from Taiwan Province’s trimming and streamlining to understand the types of remedy, events, background of the people who asked for remedy, and the results of remedy. Concerning the In-depth Interview with the Taiwan Province’s previous civil servants and the ones who suffered from rights and interests’ damage from the trimming and asked for adminstrative remedy, it is to discover the meanings of every events to the interviewee and to understand their acknowledgement to the protection system, their satisfation to the remedy result, and their thought and suggestions to the civil servant protection system. Chapter 1 of the article is to introduce the study motive, the problem of the study, study purpose, the conferment of the documents, the study way and study method, study structure, study procedure, and also the defination of each noun. Chapter 2 is from the theory of civil servant protection system to introduce the relationship between civil servants and our country, and the common principle of adminstrative laws. Chapter 3 is to confer the development of civil servant protection system and to analyze the current protection systems. Chapter 4 is to introduce the origin of Taiwan Province trimming and streamlining, and the current organization trimming and streamlining in government. It also makes study on the protection law, and the rights and interests’ protection measures. Chapter 5 is to introduce of the civil servant rights and interests’ protection writting, and analyzing the result of the interview. Chapter 6 is to offer the discovery and suggestion from the study. Now the government is making the organization trimming and streamlining. Being a previous civil servant from Taiwan Province, I have a deeply feeling about it. It lets me study and confer the civil servant rights and interests’ protection from the progress of the Taiwan Province’s trimming and streamlining. Hope that I can get precious experience from it. And hope that the academic community can push and protect the civil servant protection system but won’t become the obstacle of organization trimming and streamlining. In reality, hope that from the theory and reality test and verify mutually can offer suggestion for the law modification. In society, I hope that civil servants can cooperate with the organization trimming and streamlining without fearing of disturbance in the rear to make the adminstrative innovation more efficiently and to promote the adminstration efficiency.


1997 《現代用語百科》,臺北,富泉出版社。
王佳煌、潘中道譯(W,Lawrence Neuman著)


