  • 學位論文


On the Miaoli International Music Festival

指導教授 : 潘襎


因應經濟時代來臨,地方政府掀起全球化熱潮,藉由國際性的文化體驗來行銷在地文化產業,蔚為風潮。苗栗縣自民國97、98年起,連續兩年舉辦「苗栗國際音樂節--世界三大男高音卡列拉斯(Jose Carreras)、多明哥(Domingo)演唱會活動,即是結合人文與經濟的產業政策。 苗栗縣為典型農業縣,境內多為客家族群,約佔全縣人口數百分之67%。由於自然環境因素及客家族群的祖輩遺訓,耕讀傳家、溫良恭謙為該族群之傳統文化特色。然而在因應全球化的趨勢下,地方政府以文化行銷為核心的產業思考,主張以兼具國際視野與觀光產值的主題活動,來達成在地行銷的目的,使偏遠鄉鎮亦能因強力有效行銷,促進經濟產業。 本研究案例,從苗栗縣政府文化政策的形成、地方文化如何與國際接軌、地方政府的行銷策略、苗栗國際音樂節辦理效益、在地居民參與的榮譽感等構面予以分析、歸納,俾使各界瞭解本案例從政策形成、執行過程、實質效益等具體成效,並提出足以供政府部門擬定地方文化政策之參考與建議。


In the phase of economic boom, the local government, Miaoli County, in an attempt to carve itself the trendy cachet of globalization and internationalism had drawn up several mar-keting strategies to elevate the level of local cultural industry. Miaoli County, therefore, held two consecutive years of Miaoli International Music Festival in 1997 and 1998 with grand privileges by inviting two of the three well-known, and distinguished tenors- Jose Carreras, and Placido to be the highlights, representing not merely an increasing literacy of cultural aesthetics but a turning point of economic policy. Traditionally, Miaoli County is agriculture-oriented, and is primarily made up of Hakka ethnic groups, accounting for the county's 67% populations. Also, Miaoli County is featured with cherished heritages-Wenliang Gong Qian, and residents are blessed with conventional perspectives duo to the isolation in geographical terms. However, in response to the trend of globalization, the local government aims at transforming this once-remote town into a place where traditions can cooperate with international activities. This case study, from the formation of the cultural policy of the Miaoli County Government, the local culture with international standards, to the marketing strategy, shows that Miaoli In-ternational Music Festival is held effectively, in a sense of participation by local residents. To sum up, to understand the case from the formation of policy, the effectiveness and results of the implementation process, and to develop local cultural policy reference for government departments are undoubtedly necessary.



