  • 學位論文


Applying building information modeling on Taiwan EEWH green building assessment

指導教授 : 洪士林


興建綠建築對於控制全球暖化是一個有效的方法,現今隨著綠建築觀念的盛行,各個國家相繼推出有關綠建築評估的規範。傳統的綠建築評估流程都需要耗費大量的時間而且也會由於缺少建築物的資訊而導致評估結果不準確。建築資訊模型(BIM)在建築設計領域是一個全新的觀念,建築資訊模型提供了一個數位化的平台來幫助建築師和設計師來進行協同作業並且提高建築物在其生命週期的應用例如:成本估算、衝突檢測、日照分析等。本研究提出一個結合BIM和綠建築評估規範的方法,通過建築圖紙在Revit建立模型然後輸入文字資料然後通過電腦計算出評估的結果。基於台灣EEWH綠建築評估規範,用C#程式語言去編寫Revit 應用程序接口,然後用不同精細度的模型 LOD200,LOD300 和LOD400的模型去測試應用程序接口的可行性和完整性。測試結果顯示, 完整的綠化量指標和部分的基地保水指標、日常節能指標、水資源指標總共43分可以由Revit的應用程序接口獲得(EEWH的總分為100分)。並且使用該方法可以自動化的生成評估報告且大幅度的縮短評估時間。但是使用該方法需要至少LOD400的模型,一些必要的文字資訊也需要通過共享參數的方法加入至模型中。此外在EEWH的規範中許多的元件對於類型的定義是有限的,例如植株只支持11種類型。


Popularization Green Building Assessment system is an efficient way to curb the global warming. Accompany with the view of green building, not only increase the usage of the building energy consumption effectively, but also stimulate people the awareness of environmental protection. The combination of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Green Building Assessment (GBA) can help the stakeholders to capture the project information, parameters and output the reliable assessment results. The architectures and designers can change the projects design base on the assessment. Meanwhile, if the building projects apply the view of BIM form the design stage, compared with traditional method, the assessment cycle will shorten significantly. Presently, example from the Leadership in Environmental Energy and Design (LEED) in the US and Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment (BREEAM) demonstrated that the desirable potential of combination BIM and GBA. It also prove that applying BIM on Ecology, Energy, Waste Reduction, Health (EEWH) can enhance the building sustainable performance. This study develop an EEWH Tool base on Revit Application Programming Interface (API), and use different Level of Development (LOD) models to test it possibility and integrity. The results show that the EEWH Tool can earn 43 EEWH’s credits among 100 credits. Moreover, a references table has been establish to identify the relationship between BIM, GBA and EEWH Tool.


[1] United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data
[2] Syahrul Nizam Kamaruzzaman, Eric Choen Weng Lou, Nurshuhada Zainon, Noor Suzaini Mohamed Zaid, Phui FungWonga, “Environmental assessment schemes for non-domestic building refurbishment in the Malaysian context”. Ecological Indicators, 2016(69):548-558;
[3] National Institute of Building Sciences. Retrieved from: https://www.wbdg.org/resources/life-cycle-cost-analysis-lcca
[4] BREEAM VS LEED Sustain Magazine. Retrieved from: https://zh.scribd.com/document/39841755/BREEAM-v-LEED-Sustain-Magazine
[5] Intelligent Green Building Site. Retrieved from: http://smartgreen.abri.gov.tw/art.php?no=37&SubJt=簡要介紹
